Election Day

2015-10-19 14.58.34Capilano is a polling station today. We have seen a steady stream of people coming in to vote. The polling station is in the gym, so thank you to all the students who gave up gym time today to allow us to vote.

Thanks to the volunteers in the gym who invited classes in to see how the process works. During some slow points in the day, the electoral officers allowed classes in to discuss the steps in voting.

Many of us will be leaving school quickly to vote in our local ridings. Have you voted yet? If not, I hope you plan to soon.

Take care

Traffic Blues

IMG_0331How do your children get to school? Do you drive them here, or do they walk. Do students make use of crosswalks, or are they encouraged to jaywalk?

We have noticed that things are not going so well with some of our drivers. We would like it to change.

Some of the driving is poor. Some of the driving is illegal. I won’t remind people here about driving laws or traffic bylaws. If you have a license, you know them.


Some poor driving habits I have seen include:

  • Dropping off in the staff parking lot
  • Parking in the drop off zone
  • Backing up onto 20th Street when children are walking
  • Telling children to cross the road on 20th where there are no crosswalks
  • Stopping in the middleof the road to drop kids off
  • Parking in front of the fire hydrant
  • Parking in front of our neighbours drive way
  • etc.

We can do better. We must do better.

Please do your part:

  • If you must drive to school, stop 5 minutes from the school and walk your children in.
  • Use other school entrances. Try dropping off on 21st.
  • Buddy up your child with an older student and have them walk in together.
  • Be mindful and slow down.

If you see the R.C.M.P. around our school, please be aware that they are here to help us keep everyone safe. I called them. I asked for assistance.

Most drivers are doing an excellent job. Thank you. We appreciate it.

For those who could do better, we look forward to seeing better driving practices in the days ahead.

We now have some grade 7 students who have volunteered to help us out. Please be respectful to them as they are helping us keep students safe.

Thanks and take care