About Me


Hi! As you saw in the video above, I’m Faith, a grade 10 PLP student at Seycove Secondary. Being in a big family means playing backyard corn toss, board game nights, and Christmas fondues. As the third child, my greatest survival skill has been to fully master the giving and receiving of sarcasm. 

Photography is a new area of interest for me. My brother enjoyed photography, so when I signed up for Photography class this year I was already very interested. Throughout the semester, I learned how to shoot and develop black and white film (my favourite part), how to shoot digitally, and how to edit these photos on photoshop (my least favourite part). Despite only have one week of experience with a digital camera, my good friend Fraser and I signed up for an Artist For Kids photography workshop. This workshop involved finding archival images and combining/connecting them our photos of the Shipyards. This workshop was so successful, that the group’s artwork is now recreated in vinyl and on public display at the shipyards above the ice rink/splash park on the balcony if you want to check it out!


While quiet in class, I am actually very competitive. Whether it is a game of Coup at lunchtime with my friends, or Seycove sports, I like to go for the win. The downside? I focus more on taking others down than on my own survival. This can cause me to lose,  people to team up against me, or my Mom to kick me under the table telling me to take it down a notch (to her credit, this has mostly happens when it is someone new over for supper).

Through the last three years of high school, I have become more confident and the main way I have accomplished that is by challenging myself. For a couple years I watched other people wake surf. Last summer, I decided to give it a try.  Because I saw so many other people struggle to get up, I already knew what I needed to focus on in order to get up out of the water. I got up on my first try. New challenge? Dropping the rope. This summer my challenge will be to drop the rope for two minutes while carving the wake.

Setting challenges for myself has also carried over into my schoolwork. Check out my second Loon Lake Portfolio Post to see how I pushed myself physically and mentally!

I’m in the PLP program where we learn and grow in real world skills that will help us succeed later in the real world. If you click on the boxes for each one you will see how and where I have grown. Click below to learn about how I’ve grown my communication and storytelling skills in PLP:

In the rest of the learning portfolio you can read about all the other work and growth I have done throughout high school.

All portraits of me were taken by Fraser