📝 The Indian Act 1876 | Nationalism

This project was titled “Case for a Nation” and it was centred on Nationalism and Historical Perspective. We started this project started in February, was interrupted for a week by the Loon Lake Learning Advance, and was completed in March. 🚨 Trigger Warning! This post details information regarding Residential ‘Schools’ and the Indian Act. Some information… Continue Reading 📝 The Indian Act 1876 | Nationalism

🌊 Loon Lake Learning Advance

PLP 8 and 9 got the opportunity to go on our first-ever overnight, multi-day Learning Advance (because we never retreat) at Loon Lake Lodge and Retreat Advance Centre in Maple Ridge. We had a ton of fun, strengthened our teamwork and learned a lot! While on this Advance we created a book filled with photos, videos,… Continue Reading 🌊 Loon Lake Learning Advance