Building on historical land 🏙️

Hi and welcome back to another another blog post. We recently wrapped up our humanities project all about ww2 (well mostly), with our main focus being Juno beach and the recent request to develop on Juno beach.

Through the project we were trying to find reason why developing on such historically significant land should be out of the question.

To start off we watched the first 30 minutes of Saving Private Ryan just to get a sense of what happen on D-Day on Juno beach.

Next came the most tedious part. Note taking. We spent at least a week just sitting in the class just listening and noting. Was. Burning but I learned some cool new stuff about ww2 and the Great Depression I didn’t know before.

World war 2 notes I

World war 2 notes II

World war 2 notes III

Then of course, just like every socials based humanities project we needed to recap on historical significance. And then we did a couple of write ups about “Rhetorical Analysis”.

Rhetorical analysis

Then was on to the main show… allegedly we were suppose to make a podcast about why we think people shouldn’t be developing on Juno beach but we are currently making podcasts in maker and its a tedious process. So we opted for a quicker option. An essay. Or what Dana calls it to sound fancy a persuasive composition. It took a lot of trial and error but in the end I came out with a pretty persuasive price on text.

The essay process 

First draft:


In the end this project was more fun than I thought it would be. I felt like I came out of it knowing confidently that I truly did learn something.

And to wrap it up, Juno beach did not end up being developed upon.  Crisis averted, unfortunately we pub;Lisa our persuasive wiring pieces after the fact.



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