When your “different”

Isolation is described as the state of feeling alone and without friends or help. Have you ever felt that way? I’m sure a lot of people have including myself. My reason behind being isolated is because I’m different. Everyone always says “being different is good and makes you an individual’ and that’s true it is good.

However sometimes if you are different from everyone else in a group you can feel isolated as a result of it. In the crucibles (a play written in 1953 but date back to 1692/93) there is a character named John Proctor who is extremely isolated “hardly left his farm in the last seven months”. This isolation is because not only does he live far out of town but he also had an affair with a girl named Abigail and so he wants to prove to his wife that they are no longer together.

This is a situation that I can partially relate and the reasons for that is though I have never had a love affair I do live far away from the school which in the past has made me feel isolated. However as the years have gone on it’s not a big deal anymore. An isolation that has more so effected me is my religion. I am a Jehovah Witness which means that I am “different” from a lot of people. Lots of holidays such as Christmas or Halloween I do not participate in because my and religion does not believe in them. This has caused me to be isolated from my peers because it can feel that you aren’t being included by your friends or even at school. However I believe in my religion and have been able to make these small sacrifices of being “different” from my peers in order to worship my religion.

This is a picture I drew in sketches pro that shows what it can feel like. That everyone else is doing there things together and you are being different amongst the crowd.

Overall being isolated or different may be difficult at times things do get better and there are positives as a result of that feeling of isolation

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