Archive of ‘Star Wars’ category

Star Wars Episode VII


I saw the new Star Wars movie! It was great now I won’t do any spoilers but it is action packed. I personally liked it better then the older movies. Now to corespond with the new movie coming out we did a Star Wars. The night before the movie came out we had our Star Wars exhibition. Where everyone in PLP grade 8 & 10 created a question about Star Wars that they could look into and present. Now there were a variety of things from dresses to creating a movie to dancing. And I chose to do mine about the Death Star and what a huge design flaw was.

I found out that the huge flaw was in the first movie when Luke shoots into the exhaust port and the Death Star blows up that shouldn’t be like that. So I decided to recreate it so that there wasn’t that huge of a flaw. I changed it by not having 1 exhaust port but 2, also by using an energy recovery system. Having two pipes with one with new air coming in and the other letting old air out and then crossing over the two not only protects the Death Star but also saves energy. Because when the old air going out crosses under the new air coming in it heats up that air and then you could distrubt it through out the Death Star keeping it heated. If you want see my presentation here is a link to a slide show I made click Here to see it.

Me at a station showing of my project

Me at my station showing of my project

The exhaust port on the Death Star

The exhaust port on the Death Star

A Death Star model of what should happen

A Death Star model of what should happen



So that was what I found out about the Death Star. It was a great experience because I did learn a lot. At first I didn’t understand but then it just came to me and I understood it all of a sudden. Overall it was great and I learned what an exhaust port was and whole bunch of other mechanical things and I had a great time doing it.

Bye for Now!

Fixing the Death Star

Star Wars is such a huge thing this year with the new movie to coming out December 18. So in class, we are going to go see it and we also have a project we are doing about Star Wars.  This project is about anything to do with Star Wars and I have decided to research huge flaws in the Death Star. I know, I know it’s the Death Star but it deserves a little help. The big flaw was in the very first movie when Luke blew up the Death Star and they shoot into the exhaust port, people shouldn’t be able to shoot into it and if they do it shouldn’t blow up.  Over the next week I will be researching that flaw and  when I figure out what to do I will keep you updated . In the meanwhile I will also be getting ready to see the new Star Wars episode VII movie.

Bye for now!


Feel The Force Friday!

Today in class it was Feel the Force Friday. We took a quiz to see who we are as a Star Wars character. I turned out to be Obi Wan Kanobe. I think this describes me pretty well because I  don’t want any conflict or problems but when they do come I will be ready!