2018 Exhibition

2018 Exhibition

This years exhibition was a very new experience for me. We moved away from creating our own project or product or driving question. Instead, we had to create a 7 minute Pecha Kucha presentation based on our driving question.

“Why does it take a crazy person to change the world?”

Here is the video from my presentation for those of you who didn’t have the pleasure of seeing me in all my glory, sorta.

So the goal of this unit was to answer the driving question. We have done a lot of research on this topic and by the end of the unit, we came to the decision we had an overstanding of the topic. One of the things we did during this unit, we went on a trip to Seattle. You may be thinking what does a trip to Seattle have to do with this question. Well lucky for you I wrote a blog post on it where you will find a lovely video.

Creating The Presentation

Creating the presentation was quite the experience. I had to write out what I was going to say and then memorize it, as well as create the seven-minute slide show. In terms of scriptwriting, it was pretty easy. We were told to not write a script but my mind works better that way. Writing scripts has always been my thing whether it’s for a video or a play I write, whether its line by line or a wall of text. Visually I like it much better and im glad my method wasn’t shut down. We did a lot of revision on our scripts until they were almost perfect and ready to perform.

Once I had the script, making the slide show was pretty simple as well. The only thing that was difficult was making sure each image meant something. Each image has to go with what I’m saying and enhance it.

Memorizing my script was the hardest part. I had written a lot of words because as I said before that is how my mind organizes things. But when it came to memorizing I didn’t want to read all the stuff I read over and over. What I would do next time is to write the script then highlight the important sections into bullet points for an easier read.

In Preparation Of The Evening

In preparation of the evening, we were tasked to find a theme for our presentation room and plan to bring snacks and drinks as a class. Working with the whole class and having to come up with one idea was a really new thing for us all I think. There were a good number of us, myself included who took the reins and made sure everyone was doing their part.

Our theme for our room was a coffee house. So we had a bar table with stools and coffee tables that sat 3 people each. We also had a couch in one corner along with a bunch armchairs around the back of the room.


For snacks and drinks, we decided to bring things like mini sandwiches, cookies and coffee. For our presentations, we made a menu with all our names on it as different items on the menu.

I think we did a really good job working together and I think the room turned out really well. In the future, I think doing more group work like this would be really fun.

The Evening Of

The evening of was very interesting. I volunteered to be the first presenter. So as soon as the doors opened I was very nervous. I’m very proud of myself for going first. It was out of my comfort zone but I was pretty confident. After that, I just had the evening to walk around and visit other peoples projects.


This whole project was really a different experience for me. In PLP we usually have a different approach to projects but it always follows the same curriculum as the regular program. However, this whole unit was different from anything any other classes were doing. This project was a unique and overall impactful project. I really learned a lot. Im not going to reflect too much on the presentation itself mostly because I don’t want to watch the video. I’m very proud of how it went and I got a lot of positive feedback on it. I think its ok if I leave it in the past now. The night was amazing and I had a lot of fun. Can’t wait for the next one.

As always thanks for checking in, I’m still in school!




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