The Dead Sea

The Dead Sea

Welcome to a mini post! Why is it a mini post? Because we did a mini project in math. Our task was to create a project that showed the rate of change of a body of water. We used linear equations to show this. My partner and I created an infographic to show at the beginning of the project while we explained the math.

So as you can see, we have the linear equation above, along with the graph. Next, we showed the class our video we made.

I hope you liked that video. We got a pretty good reaction from my class. It had good humour and personalization.

During this project, I improved on a lot of the core competencies.

Model with mathematics in situational contexts; For this core competency, we chose a real-world issue to look at. We had to choose a body of water and map out the rate of change.

Develope, demonstate, and apply mathematical understanding through play, story, inquiry, and problem solving; After we did the math component of our project we created a scripted story to add to the project.

Represent mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial and symbolic forms; We took what we learned in math and represented it in a way that was visual but still showed all the data and information.

Connect mathematical concepts with each other, other areas and personal interests; We decided to make an animation because that was a personal interest of ours and we created a funny but informational script that also showed off our personality.

Even though this project was pretty easy, I still learned a lot. Linear equations are fairly simple to understand and I think that’s what made this project easy to personalize. This was a fun project to end school before the break!

As always, thanks for checking in, I’m still in school.


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