Religious Worldview and Exhibition Portfolio Post


For our final project of term 1 in PLP 8 was a poster where we presented our learning through a brief and interesting paragraph and explained the concepts and beliefs.

It’s started mid-October, when we intially joined PLP we knew there was 2 exhibitions were we showcased our learning alongside the grade 9 to 11’s. We were all assigned a religion and a group, I was assigned Sihkism with Alexandra, Kaden and Rian.

Our first draft wasn’t very good, it was a rip-off of the example poster  we looked at, we also used lotuses even though lotuses are more of Buddhism’s flower.

The first draft (left) the example poster (right)

Our 2nd draft was completely revamped and looked very nice, it was formatted great and aesthetically interesting. It still needed some changes but it was looking great.

Our third draft had a lot of improvements such as paragraphs, the Sikh  logo and a cleaner image of Sihk food, but we still need to improve our drawings and better paragraphs.

The fourth draft refined a lot of smaller details such as : making the image for the food above more fitting, making the image for the Gurdwara very appropriate as its the Harmandir Sahib : the main Sihk temple. Although we were struggling to make brief and interesting paragraphs for the categories.

By time the forth draft was made it was only a few more weeks until exhibition so we started the other parts of our presentation: The food and Drinks and activity.

After brainstorming, we decided to make the Punjabi drink Lassi a milk and yogurt, and sugar cookies with Sihk logos. I designed the activity, Sihk Jeapordy: normal Jeapordy with all Sihk categories.

This was our final draft and our best draft, the paragraphs were brief and interesting, it was great to look at and overall amazing.

Through the project I learned more about my driving question: how does religion affect worldview? Through the project , I learned more about my worldview.


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