Podcast? More like Pod – (insert funny pun here)!

Hey y’all, it’s Jude again. Today I want to talk about another podcast project, although this time it’s different. Instead of creating a podcast trailer, I am creating an episode! My debut podcast episode! My debut podcast episode about Canada! and in this post I am going to dive deep into the podcast, or should I say, Judocast: DeepDive into it! ( The joke is that Judocast: DeepDive, is the name of my podcast! ). 

An intro to Canada identity, culture and CBC TV shows from 2004

The driving question for this project was, Who is the “Greatest” Canadian?  

To find the answer to this, we have to look into Canadian culture and identity, to do this, we have to comprehend text about Canada. It’s funny, comprehending text is actually a competency that we are learning about in this project! To understand Canadian identity and culture, we looked at various sources, but majorly, from the Canadian English textbook from 2015 (I’m pretty sure). We tackled a variety of subjects from the textbooks, from Globalization, the 1982 constitution to how diversity shapes Canada and how trends shape Canadian identity. We also looked at the 2004 CBC TV show, The Greatest Canadian briefly. We showed our learning of these sources in a couple of ways, from answering questions in a group to take lecture notes and filling in blank entries in informative keynotes, mad-libs style. 

(Sampling of the notes I took from these lectures.)

The biggest thing I took away from this section of the project, was that Canada’s national identity is shaped by the identity of its government, its landscape, its population and its culture, and knowing what makes its identity can help you view Canada. I think that I could reflect and talk about it, shows that I can comprehend text.

Ambience, Butt Cuts and the History of the 90s

The biggest part of this project was definitely the creation of the podcast. We had to create a podcast episode about who we thought was the greatest Canadian in the subculture of our respected podcasts. I feel like I regret choosing who I chose, but I also think, that it helped me create a great podcast that establishes the tone of the Pod. To create the episode, there was two elements we had to master, the technical, (the sound, editing and recording) and the content, (the research, the script and the interview).

So let’s talk about the editing side.  We couldn’t just upload 10 – 15 minutes of unedited sound, talking about canada. We had to make it pleasent for listeners, so we added ambient background noise.

 (this is what I added as ambience)

To  connect the diffrent recordings and parts of the story we had transitions we created, the transitions were short musical pieces.

(This was my transition!)

Now lets talk about the content, we had to write our podcast script and hold a interview with someone who relate to the topic of the person. The script went through many revisions and (for me personally) it was very hard to get the interview.

my script!

Now that we have that context………

The compententcy for this side of the project was, establish historical signifance. I believe that I did through the creation of the script and podcast overall, and specfically through talking about James Cameron, (my ‘greatest canadian’) and his impact on canadian on international film making.

I think that this project was reallygreat and helped expand my knowledge on podcasting, canada and its national identity. I want to end out this post with the completed episode, so here it is! public.3.basecamp.com/p/9XESQYB6qvsQ8X8S3vM96VKJ


1 Thought.

  1. Nice work with this post Jude! I like that you highlight the ambient sounds and transition music that you made, and include other evidence of your understanding of the competencies. Thanks for reflecting!

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