In Gerry’s words.

Hello everyone…. this past month we’ve been working on a super exciting project called  In Their Own Words.  The driving question for this project was How might we use stories to understand the causes and consequences of WW2. 

World War Two is an incredibly interesting and prominent event of our history, but it’s also amazingly confusing. After all it was a world war, there are hundreds of important dates and battles. There’s also questions that come to mind when you hear about a conflict that was so catastrophic. You question….

In this project we would answer that question in our second podcast episodes. A lot like our previous episode we would include a interview. We also wouldn’t just put together the episode there would be a process. Which included working on a few competencies. The competencies were….

Improving at each competency is always vital in our projects, here is how I got better at each competency and completed the project In Their Own Words.

Throughout this project there were many times I had to do research and use different sources. The way I feel I used sources and evidence most effectively was in Milestone two. Milestone two was all about research. This Milestone was really important because all the facts we found would be the information we would include in our episodes. 

By this time I had decided on the topic I would base my episode off of. Since my podcast is all about family stories, I thought it would be interesting to focus on how people on the home front and at battle were effected. I came up with this idea because I knew many of my own family and friend stories that took place in WW2, and from what I’ve heard there were interesting tales that took place at battle and home. With a decided topic I began researching….

For this milestone we had to organize our research in a certain way, we put info into sections about Cause, Events and Consequence. We also put our sources into same sections. The research looked like this….

Additionally I focused on finding a variety of cool sources to learn about my topic. I watched documentaries and videos. Read articles, book excerpts and looked at art. 

Overall at the end of working on milestone two I was really proud at the amount of information I had discovered. Not only about my topic but also concerning researching and using evidence correctly. Without working on this skill my episode wouldn’t have included the proper information it required to be entertaining and informative. 











For Global collaborator I also had a chance to improve in milestone two. 

As well as learning about my topic through a lot of second hand sources I needed to hear it from somebody who knew more about my topic then anyone else. Somebody who was there and could tell me the adversities and challenges he faced. 

Gerry Goldman was a friend my dad knew from realty. Gerry recently turn ninety nine years old! 

He’s experienced so much over the years, what he remembers in amazing detail specifically is his experience serving in WW2 as a aircraft mechanic. Connecting with Gerry and being able to ask him about his experience drastically improved my episode and gave it meaning. Speaking to Gerry really contributed to my learning and helped me practice using technology to connect with other people. 


Analyzing cause and consequence was something we worked on a lot in this project.

Events are important to a certain extent but they mean nothing if you don’t understand why they began and what happened after they ended. Which is why Cause and Consequence were so vital to understand. The milestone I improved in this competency the most was milestone five, which was our completed podcast episode. 

In other milestones I feel I reached an understanding of the causes and consequences of WW2, but it wasn’t until milestone five that I structured it all together and truly connected the dots. Telling the story as one gave me the chance to share facts and my thoughts on the causes and consequences. I was specifically proud of my final analysis of consequence in my outro, I thought it added a lot more emotion and value to the end of the episode. Ultimately I believe I learned a lot about recognizing origins and repercussions because of the work we completed in this project.

After all the research, recording and editing my episode is complete.

Check it out by tapping here!!!

I’m very proud of how it ended up. I think it properly answers the driving question. As well as teaches the audience not only with facts but through a touching and shocking story. WW2 is one of the most prominent events in our history Im glad I got to learn more about it and create content that can teach others about its beginning, events and effects. 

Make sure to check out my other posts!!

, Kaia 

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