About me

Hi, My name is Kwosen

My favourite things to do is play Soccer and Hockey and watch them on TV

As well as other sports. I like to play video games but I don’t play many.

My favourite subjects in school are English and Science I like Science because I like doing 

The experiments. I like doing English because I like when we get to read a book then 

Write a summary about the book.

I play Gold soccer at NVFC I usually play Right Fullback. My favourite soccer player is Cristiano Ronaldo who plays in Italy. I play Rep Hockey for NSWC I play Goalie. My Favourite Hockey player is Carey Price who plays for the Montreal Canadiens. I watch Football and Baseball but I don’t play them on a team. My favourite NFL (Football) team is the Kansas City Chiefs because I like their Quarterback Patrick Mahomes. My Favourite Baseball is the LA Dodgers because of their colours and their Pitcher Clayton Kershaw.

I travel frequently but mostly to Bella Coola BC where I visit My Mom and My Family up there for a summer or the winter. There is lots of fun outdoor activities to do there such as Hiking, Biking, Fishing and Camping and more.

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How it started/how its going summative post

Our newest project’s name was called “how it started / How its going” and it revolved around Medieval and Renaissance art. Our driving question of the project was what can we learn from the past, and why does it matter to us today? One of the first assignments we got was the “my history test” which was a one question test. The question was “What historically significant events help shape our worldview?” Which is a very interesting question and it really made me think.

Our main project was to find a piece of Medieval or Renaissance art and then make it more modern by adding our face on one of the people in the photo and adding stuff like IPhones, AirPods, planes and new types of clothes which didn’t exist back then. Here Is my art that I created: 


For the final project we had to make an artist statement on the artwork we made which connected to the worldview aspect our group was given. For my group I was given the task of being a flex group member which means that I helped with everything. For example if someone needed help writing a script or something I would step in and help them finish it. 

We talked about historical significance a lot during this project. We would find an event back in medieval or Renaissance times and we would say why it is historically significant today like for example we talked a lot about the printing press. It was made back in the Renaissance times and it is very historically significant because we now use printers in our everyday lives.

On most of our assignments we were graded on one big topic which was “How might I use technology to construct knowledge” throughout the project we used a new app called SuperimposeX which I had never used before and it had a big role in helping construct my project. I also learned how to use the Google Arts and culture app which helped me find my piece of art which led to my final project.

On the final day of our project we had a big PLP 8 Zoom meeting where we talked about our roles in the project and how we helped shape the final product. I was in Flex group one. A flex member is a person who helps his or her group members on every task that needs working on. After the Zoom meeting ended everyone went onto the virtual museum. The virtual museum was what we were working on with our groups. When you went into this virtual museum you could see everyone’s art work. If you clicked on someone’s art work it would play their voice recorded artist statement. Here is my artist statement: 

I had lots of fun making this project and I hope we can do more projects similar to this one in the future.

Manchester United: Day 3 post

I love to watch soccer, Its one of my favourite things to do. When it comes to which team I like the most it would have to be Manchester United. I fell in love watching them when I was about 4 years old when I got to see them play in Seattle. I was drawn to their fast flowing style of play and how exciting the games were. They were definitely one of the most fun teams to watch back then.

Their manager back then was Sir Alex Ferguson who is considered the most successful managers in the history of world soccer. At the end of the 2012/2013 season Sir Alex Ferguson decided to step down from the manager position and retire. The following season they appointed David Moyes as their new manager. In Moyes’s first game they won 4-1 against Swansea City with a great bicycle kick goal from my favourite Manchester United player Robin Van Persie

That game was the start of the new era for Manchester United. In past seasons they haven’t been at their best and haven’t won a league title ever since Sir Alex was manager but taking a look at their current spot in the league table shows me that we have a good shot to bring the league title back to Old Trafford.

Music Blog post

I play the electric base guitar. The electric base guitar only has four strings unlike the electric guitar’s six strings. The four strings the base guitar has is E-A-D-G. The base guitar is actually very different compared to the electric guitar for example a base guitar as a deeper sound when on the other hand the electric guitar is a little more high pitched.


I have been playing the base guitar for 4 years now and it wasn’t super easy to learn at first but now I know how to play it pretty good. I am still learning new songs but my favourite songs to play would have to be money by Pink Floyd and Viva la vida by Coldplay.

Scimatics summative post

The final scimatics project for this quarter was called “laser laws” and revolved around the law of reflection and the Pythagorean theorem. Our driving question of this project was “How can we test the law of reflection and the Pythagorean theorem” we proved this by doing some pretty cool assignments such as: Using the online ray optics simulator to prove the law of reflection, the group experiment project where we created a lab report and the final assignment where we made a cool design with reflecting mirrors and then used a laser to reflect off of each mirror creating a really cool looking project.  




This type of project was new to me, I don’t think I have ever learned about something like this before. Learning about how lasers work was very important to know and getting to actually use them was fun. Learning about reflection was another important part in this project and being able to prove the law of reflection by using online and in real life experiments with reflecting mirrors. It is actually pretty important to know how to do this sort of stuff because now I know how lasers work and now I know how they are used and what they can do. The lab reports we did are good practice for the future because when you go to school it will help you understand how certain things work.

In this project we were graded on three topics such as: 

Demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest: I accomplished this by using my time to create a well written scientific lab report.

Represent mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic forms: I accomplished this by properly calculating the Pythagorean theorem and properly measuring the shape.

Co-operatively design projects: I accomplished this by helping and contributing to the group by helping them measure, set up the project and calculate what needed to be calculated.

I feel like I did very well in this project and understood most of the scientific topics and the mathematical topics. I feel like this project was very important for my learning and important to know for when I continue on in science and math. In conclusion I had a lot of fun making this project with my group members. 

Tectonic chances summative post

Our project was called Tectonic chances and revolved around Tectonic plates.Our task was to build a Board game or a card game with 10 science concepts.The science concepts we had to use were the concepts we had been learning in classSuch as Plate tectonics, Sea Floor Spreading, Convergent Plate boundary’s and a lot more. This project was very different compared to projects I have done in the past, in saying that I thought it was a very fun way to teach us what plate tectonics are and what they can do.

For parts of this science project we had to do math to help us learn how to calculate the probability for our game, it did help me understand calculating probability a lot better. Most of our assignments we did was handing in our rules and then getting feedback on them and then changing them. 

For this project me and my partner Colton made a game based off of creating islands with hotspots. The main point of the game was to have all of your houses on the game board or have all of your islands on the game board. We definitely had lots of different ideas about what our game would look like but in the end we found a game idea that worked. We had lots of fun creating the game and it was a pretty fun to play and I’m sure other people thought so too.

We were graded in three different parts such as: The theory of plate tectonics and supporting evidence Is a central theme of your game, all class time is used efficiently for learning and project work without any distractions and the tectonics game uses probability in each turn to determine outcomes.

The theory of plate tectonics and supporting evidence Is a central theme of your game: We extended this skill by using more than 10 science concepts. We put in as much stuff about  plate tectonics as we could and I think in the end we did a pretty good job of showing what we learned about plate tectonics and we showed how they fit into our game.

All class time is used efficiently for learning and project work without any distractions: We did a pretty good job of this we always tried to stay on task and it worked most of the time, there were times where we got side tracked but nothing major.

The tectonics game uses probability in each turn to determine outcomes: Our game used mostly probability, there is some skill involved but mostly probability. Our game had multiple decks that are supposed to be shuffled so lots of probability involved I would say.

Our curricular competencies were Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of evidence, demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest and Develop, demonstrate, and apply mathematical understanding through play, inquiry, and problem solving.

In conclusion this project was very fun to do and I had lots of great help which made this game one of the coolest projects I have ever done.

Fractions of your time summative post

What fraction of our time is screen time?


What fraction of our time is screen time? 

To simplify it, 1/4 of my time is on a screen I was not aware of that. I never really thought 

About how much time a day I spend on a screen. This project was a great way to show how much we are on our screens but not shame us about it.

This project was pretty straightforward but was challenging at times. For example when we had to code in the screen time chart it was hard to get started on it because I didn’t completely understand what to do which was a little frustrating but in the end I did end up getting the totals into the chart. One thing that really helped me understand this project better was when we had to send in a copy of our draft before it was all completed. I liked that because then I could see how I was doing and I was given some tips and feedback which helped me with this project a lot.

For this project it went a little all over the place with my weather emoji grades which isn’t bad. For my first few entries of my draft I got a pretty good grade but it could’ve been better for sure. For the tests I think I needed a little bit of a refresh since I hadn’t done fractions in awhile so some parts were hard to remember how to do. The final presentation went pretty well for me. I thought I had enough information and pie charts as well as other charts in my document. I definitely didn’t have the most out standing project but I thought mine was well deserved of a good grade. 

I was graded on three different categories such as using my time in class efficiently, a well calculated spreadsheet and well displayed pie charts.

Using my class time efficiently

In my opinion I thought my class time was used efficiently. I didn’t get distracted too many times and I got my work done in class. I got most of my project done in class so I feel like I used my time efficiently.

Having a well calculated spreadsheet

My spreadsheet was properly calculated. It was laid out with a decent amount of information on my pie charts and the other charts as well. I improved it a lot because I added more totals at the end of the project so I could use them in my spreadsheet.

Having well displayed pie charts

I feel like I exceeded the expectations with my pie chart categories which were very informative and helpful to people who want a different comparison of my chart. I definitely added a lot more charts after seeing some of my classmates charts I thought it would be best to ad more charts.

In conclusion I thought this project was a great project to start off my Scimatics class and it definitely helped me open my eyes to how much I’m on my screen.




How does what we hear read see influence us?

How does what we hear read see influence us? When you hear a story on the radio or read something in a newspaper or see something on the news you automatically think that its true because since we know they’re professionals so they know everything For example if someone on the news says eating pears makes you live until you’re 200 then  people think its true and now suddenly everyone is eating pears because the news said so. 

Milestone 5 really helped me understand media a lot better it’s was more of the deeper side of media which really helped me answer the driving question. Milestone 3 I think was another very important milestone because it helped us understand how much media has changed over the years and how most of the stuff in the older ads wouldn’t be suitable for today. This project really helped me open my eyes to the deeper side of media I didn’t know anything about media I just saw the advertisements and didn’t really think much of them but now that I did this project I know the strategies and the appeals that are put in advertisements.

In conclusion I really liked this project and I liked what the message of it was at times it was complicated but It was very helpful.

The Medium is the message reflection

The Launch phase was the first part of the Medium is the message project. It was where we got placed in our groups for the project. The people in my group were very nice and helpful which helped me succeed in this project. When we got placed in our groups we started on the Welcome Home Text Analysis. Our task for the Welcome Home Milestone was to watch a promotional Apple commercial and break it down by explaining who you think the target  audience is and how they’re sending the message.


The Building Knowledge phase was based on mostly trying to define certain advertisements and learn the techniques of the big companies and how they get your attention and how they get you to buy the product. One of the parts in the Building Knowledge phase was the Graphic Design and photo practice which was my favourite part because it was fun to experiment with the camera and the different angles and features.


The develop and Critique phase was reading a book called the gospel according to Larry and preparing you for your phone or email interview with your business. The Gosple according to Larry part in develop and critique phase was very fun I liked the book I got confused at parts but after that I really enjoyed the book and writing about it after. The preparation for sending your email and making your phone call was fun to work out with my group and figuring out a script for your phone call and email was hard at times but we ended getting it done.

Advertisement draft 1

Advertisement draft 1

Advertisement draft 2
Advertisement draft 3

Advertisement draft 4


Team advertisement final draft



The present and reflect phase was mostly focused on your advertisement telling a story so it has a bigger meaning than just promoting the product. I found this part was one of the most interesting parts because I got to learn that an ad can be more than just promoting a product so now I look at advertisements a lot differently.



My user manual reflection

The My User Manual project was our first big project of the school year and it was pretty fun to make. This project helped me a lot with explain myself better in a written format which is a good skill to learn how to do. I would say this project was very different compared to the projects we did in elementary school I definitely like these sorts of projects more.


The Memoji laptop project was really different compared to any other project I have done inside school and as well as outside school. I learned how to instant alpha on Keynote I never knew I could do that until now.


You can view My User manual in the link in this post.

About me

Hello, My name is Kwosen.

I like to play sports and talk about them.

My favourite subjects in school are Science and English.

I hope you like my blog.