It’s The End Of The World!

I’m gonna do it. It’s not what you wanna see, I know, but I have to post this kinda stuff. It’s not my choice. Why? Well let’s just say I will neither confirm nor deny that I’m writing this while being held at gunpoint. Anyway, here’s what this project is about. We were asked to create a cover of a certain song, to be specific, It’s the end of the world as we know it by R.E.M, a song of pure nonsense in my opinion. To say I’m 100% finished this would be incorrect, I know, I know, but that’s not the point right now. Because I’m about to talk about it so I can go to bed.

now, I would like to say that this was a team project, and we worked well enough together to not be at each other’s throats all the time. In the end, I take full responsibility for our failure to finish, and while my teammates don’t deserve the blame for the failure of the group, they DO deserve recognition. They go by the names of Keenan, Dries, and Little Timmy.

Anyway, curricular competencies. First we have create. This one I didn’t do TOO bad on, although it was incomplete, I also was able to create some content, and get that done. ‘Nuff said. Second, we have cause and consequence. I think not only did I figure out some causes and consequences of the renaissance, I learned the cause and consequences of my failure.

finally, I can go to bed. It’s been exhausting making 3 blog posts tonight, but I’ve managed it. It’s done. Goodbye and…


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