Have I used that gif before? I hope not, otherwise this is awkward. Anyways, another post! I know there’s been a lot recently, but bear with me.

I’m so sorry.

This post, however, isn’t about bears. (Small gasp). It’s about… math! I know, a post about bears might have been better, but math will have to do. So, we’ve been doing geometry.

Geometry, more like geome-try-to-understand-what’s-happening. Just kidding, it’s quite easy. Just plugging numbers into formulas and measuring stuff.

So, why is geometry worthy of a blog post? Well, mainly because Pye made us right one…. I mean it’s an exciting project! We got to… make our own monsters!

Out of shapes….

It sounded better in my head, okay? But it was quite fun. We got a formula sheet with all of the formulas for calculating volume and surface area, as well as a basic idea of what our monsters should look like. Torso, head, legs, arms, blah blah blah. Then we had to add three extra things.

I decided to add on horns, wings, and a tail. I pretty much made the devil, yeah. Or a weird dragon boy. Anyways, we had to build them. And he turned out devilishly good

I’ll stop with the puns now. Maybe.

So, we made our monsters. And then came the scary part. The math

We had to calculate the volume and the surface area of each part. Warning: if you have Numerophobia or Arithmophobia, this isn’t for you. Here it is:

Horns: 2.0104cm3
Head: 13.5648cm3
Neck: 0.157cm3
Arms: 1.86cm3
Torso: 7.085cm3
Legs: 0.866cm3
Tail: 0.282cm3
Wings: 14.5cm3

Horns: 2.7632cm2
Head: 35.4192cm2
Neck: 2.198cm2
Arms: 7.052cm2
Torso: 23.55cm2
Legs: 5.024cm2
Tail: 3.108cm2
Wings: 128.5cm2

That was a lot of numbers. Not fun. Anyways, we did that. This is supposed to be for another project in the near future, but I shan’t say anything yet.

“Shan’t”? What am I, Shakespeare?

Anyways, that’s all for this post

Read ya later
