So, another math post. This one is about this wonderful thing called the Golden Ratio, or the Holy Ratio (hence the Batman title).

Lets start with the basics: What is the golden ratio? Well, it’s pretty much a math term that applies to almost every form of art. The actual golden ratio is 1 : 1.68. This can apply to most forms of art:

If you’d like to read more, you can go to the Golden Ratio Website

So, we had to do a project on all of this, and the Fibonacci Spiral. This meant we had to create our own original form of art that had the golden ratio and Fibonacci Spiral somewhere in it. After doing a bit of math on ratios, that’s when we started.

My original idea was a cave, because caves are dank.

Anyways, this was what my first idea was:

Though, it needed more. I was at a loss, and I let the project drag on with no additions. And then it hit me.

I decided to add a dragon in. Because… why not, it’s a dragon. Who needs to explain that.

So, you’re probably thinking ‘but how does this show the spiral?’. Well, I’m about to blow your mind

So, as you can see, I completed this math project quite well. I’m really proud of how it turned out, especially since I can’t draw dragons for the life of me.

Well, that’s all for this blog post

Read You Later

Sincerely, Me