Well, when I first started this project everybody went to Disney World.  I made the decision to not go along with my class but that’s my fault.  For those who did go to Florida they were told to  any way you had to pick a ride they experienced and try to show the ways the design incorporated things that made made it so believable and provided people a very real experience. Unfortunately, the video we were to complete accidentkey got deleted off my computer when it crashed.  My dad tried to retrieve I but “no luck”.  So all I do have is pictures.  Not great but will have to do.  Trying to make this fantasy real blog was very difficult when u don’t get the first hand experience to inspire you. When I started doing research it hit me just how hard they work on making such a fantasy like experience feel so real. My ride was It’s a Small World”.  Though I did not experience the ride in Florida Pi did go on it when I was younger in California. It is a 13 minute ride and as stated at the New York fair, people loved it so much that is inspired Walt Disney to replicate the real thing when he was developing Disneyland and that’s 101 on how to make fantasy real.  So many people were inspired and loved the experience so much that creative folks like Walt wanted to keep the lifelike ride alive for all future generactions to experience.  Riding in a real boat, seeing the figurines dressed in authentic clothings and hearing the music specific to each region made me feel like I was actually there.  It has also inspired me to want to travel to these various countries to truly experience what people would look like, wear, the language and the many other aspects of culture they experience each day  Walt basically has taken many people to far away lands that may have otherwise never had the experience.