Category: School

The ‘Skin Colour’ Pencil Crayon

As a white person I know I can never truly understand the injustices that a person of colour goes through and I acknowledge my white privilege. This blog post and project are about the research I did to better educate myself about black oppression, injustice and experiences. Hopefully, this blog post can help others educate themselves as well.   When…

We are Living Through History

Earlier in the school year, our class did a project on significance, focusing on the driving question, “What makes an event significant?”. Specifically looking at historical significance which follows criteria under these categories:  Importance: Who were impacted by the event at the time? Have people been affected by the event? Why was it so important to them? How were people’s…

The Significance of the Birth Control Pill

What does it mean for something to be significant? From its definition on google, we know that significance is “sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention.” But what does this word really represent? In class, to build our understanding of significance, we read the definition of historical significance on The History Thinking Project. This helped me to outline…

Political Ideologies

Ideology is defined as the study of an idea, specifically the science of ideas. Before our classes where we learned about ideologies, I never went into more detail about what an ideology is or how essential ideologies are in our day to day life. Now that I’m 17 turning 18 and almost legal voting age, I need to do research…

mPOLs 2020!

Oh hey, it’s the end January, so that means… mPOLs!!!!  If you don’t already know, mPOLs are our mid-year presentations of learning. Instead of the usual parent-teacher interviews, we as students demonstrate and reflect on our knowledge to our teachers and parents. This allows for the opportunity to look back on work and become better learnings. This being my ninth…

Movie? More like a F.A.I.L.

Introducing the Dirty Work horror film trailer, movie probably not coming to a theatre near you. Have you ever worked so hard on a project to just to find out that it was a F.A.I.L. (first attempt in learning). This is what happened during our class project within our horror unit when we tried (emphasize on tried) to create a…

Monster Who?

Frankenstein – A green, 9-foot tall monster that was created by a mad scientist, right? Well, not exactly. The Original Frankenstein story is very different from the perceived creature we see represented in Hollywood. First of all, just for clarification, the creature is NOT called Frankenstein (you might have already known that, however before going more in-depth within the story…

The Horror Within Halloween (1978)

When it comes to horror movies I’m definitely not someone you’d called a “Horror Movie Fanatic.” I’ve watched maybe a total of 5 horror movies and each time there quite a few times I’m covering my eyes. But what makes these movies so terrifying and is the reaction I’m giving off the reaction that horror movies are trying to get?…

The Taming of The Shrew, 1920s Style

This is my first official school post from my final year of grade 12; with us just passing the one month mark, its time to write about our first unit of the school year — this unit-based our studies around two main ideas. We looked at gender roles throughout history and what makes something (literature, movies, etc..) a classic. Incorporating…

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