I am what I eat

Fruits and vegetables arranged in word ‘food’

In this project we had to create an image of yourself that would be made up of totally food. It had to be made up of different foods that you eat on a day to day basis. For me my food for the day looks like a bagel, a lot of fruit, steak or some sort of meat, vegetables, pasta, a lot of water, and some chocolate milk or a protein shake. I thought that this was an interesting idea for a school assignment and it was cool. Some of the problems I encountered was that the app I wanted to use didn’t work but then I fix it and it came out pretty good.

What I eat isn’t the only  part of the criteria for this blog post. The other one was to watch a TED-talk about this guy who tried to become the healthiest person that he could be. He started by going for his mind first and he read the Encyclopaedia Brittanica to get a lot of knowledge. Then he went for his religion and became a Jewish preacher and went hard on that subject for a year and lastly he went for his body and he went to every doctor he could find and he asked them about the healthiest way I could live. They told him different things and then he lived like this for a year. He told everyone that this was actually a bad idea because it made him have no social life and the doctors said that socializing is the best thing for you. He was so caught up in staying healthy that he neglected his social life. If you would like to watch it, the link is below.

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