What is your favourite game to play? Is it fun? It’s probably not as fun as the algebra tile based game, Mathathon: A Race To The Finish. If you have ever wanted to compete with your friends for having the best math skills in a fun, game manner, this is the game for you!


For my math class, we have been doing an algebra unit, especially with the use of algebra. Because of this, my teacher gave us the chance to make a creative game that incorporated algebra tiles. Sofia and I chose each other for partners and we got straight into the brainstorming process. We came up with lots of ideas for projects, most of which were very similar to Monopoly and other game boards. Once we realized that we didn’t have to do an actual board game, we started thinking of other kinds of games.


I realized that we could do a game show kind of game including a wheel, points, and lots of competition. We put our heads together to think of a way to incorporate algebra tiles into our ideas. Finally, we came up with a really cool idea for our game and we made a list of instruction for how to play.


Then came the hard part, making the project. For our project, we needed to make a wheel that the players could spin, and a poster board with the questions for the contestants to answer. Sofia and I got together after school to make the wheel out of cardboard and wood, and then decide the wheel into 14 equal sections, and then paint it everything. After spending a long time on the wheel, we decided to split up the rest of the work so that we could do some on our own.


Once the project was put together, we got together to make the video for the project. Our video includes the three kinds of algebra equations: squaring, factoring, and expanding. We also explain the instructions for how to play the game, including examples.


The first video we made was missing one part. Instead of showing the full algebra tile charts in our video, we only showed the first one, which brought our mark down. We quickly revised our project to get our mark back up to where we wanted it to be.


First draft:



Second draft: