Photo Angles

This project is about the different camera Angles. To experiment with this I took photos of many different people from many different angles. For example I took photos from the ground, above people, random close-ups, panoramas (if you look closely at the panorama I used for my wide shot, someone has five heads). After taking all the photos we went inside to choose our favourite of each angle and make a comic on Comic life 3 to show them.

For some of my photos I had to take them super fast before the person (Raina) ran away with her hands covering their faces yelling “Delete it!”. The product of those photos were mostly skin coloured blurs with whipping hair. And taking my high angle shot i took the photo while Jamie had his eyes closed so he didn’t know i took the photo, but in the end it was the best high angle photo I had. I had lots of fun testing and playing with camera Angles.

They say that the difference between a good photo and a great photo is one meter. From the standing position its either a meter up, a meter down, a meter left or a meter right.


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