Lab Safety Video Project LPP- Science

Welcome to my Learning Portfolio👋🏻

Today we speak Science.
Or more specifically, Safety in a Science Lab.

We made a video, and honestly, it was actually not the worst ever video made in the history of bad videos.

This was a group project in groups of around 3 people depending on the group.
I was in a group with
And a second person who has a asked to have their information and name kept private… we shall call her…

Person Number 2.

[For the name choice]

It was an interesting project, with some good things, but also things I can recognize we could have changed.


The Project

Our task was to create a video about 2-4 minutes long, with the topic of Lab Safety.

The work itself was mostly acting in the video.
We had all the information we needed from past classes about ideas of what to do and what not to do to be safe in a lab.

And example of what not to do:

When filming the video there were a few hiccups,

One was that there were some people around us that were distracting us as we tried to film and personally I find that it would be easier when doing school work not to be surrounded by distracting people.

Another was that we were filming in a place where there were animals.
We had to remove the cats of (person 2’s) from the room twice before we could start filming. And I am allergic to cats which meant that while filming I had to try to look as natural as possible and not sneeze which was a bit of extra work for me but that’s okay, we just can’t film around cats again.

Although, we were prepared for making the video before hand.

We had a script, ideas of what to do for the video scenes and Person 2 had all the props we needed ready to go (mostly).

While Melanie and I helped with the video, there is a certain aspect of the personally of Person 2 that’s caused her to want to do a lot of the work and not really give us the chance to help with that stuff.

There is a name for it in our class when Person 2 does this but because of her name privacy in this post I cannot name it. =(

There are some things about the video I would defiantly change:

First of all, the mascot suit. While it was good for the video and affective in the way that we used it, has caused an issue with the group about how to write this post. As the privacy needed while wearing the suit has caused us to be unable to name Person 2, it would probably have been better if we hadn’t used it and just had it so that all the characters acted equally without a leader.

And that brings me to number 2.
Not all of the characters in the video had equal roles,
While two of us were background characters to the main character, the main character was the base of the video, giving the “background” characters less of a value in the video.


But we also all helped with making the video happen and made it that bit better,
I think we did an overall pretty good job and we thought through everything before we did it and made a pretty sweet educational video about Lab Safety.



Thanks for reading and I’ll see you in my next LPP👋🏻

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