Music Makes Us

“Music washes away from the soul, the dust of everyday life” -Berthold Auerbach

Music is known for being an escape from the world. Or a tool to enhance an outlook on the world. It’s so important, and such a huge part of the world. 

Without musicians we would be in a world where everything would be so bland. There would be no cultures, no parties, no concerts and nothing to lighten a mood.

And for there to be music, we (musicians) have to make music. 

Many musicians (including myself) use an app a called Garage Band to create music if we want to share it. And in preparation for using sound in our future school projects, we were assigned to make a one minute video using Garage Band “Live Loops” feature.


[How To Use Live Loops in Garage Band]


[My Song]

For my song I used a couple of different live loop options but I’m going to be honest I can’t remember which ones. I’ve used live loops before this and even when I’m making the songs I can never remember which loops I’ve been using!

My song is called “A Beat of a Second”. The name doesn’t really have a meaning in this case but it makes it your own, so I recommend naming your songs always. 

The song is kind of a chill drum kind of thing and it doesn’t really stick to any guidelines. I just added what I wanted in the song and LE BOOM we had a song!


[Garage Band]

Garage Band is a great way of starting out making small beats and music. 

I’ve been using it for a few years to create music for the backgrounds of videos, for small “music videos”, and just for fun when I felt like it. 

In my most recent blog post “I’m in love with the world” I created a small “music video” using music I made on Garage Band in about 15 minutes one night and it was just on my phone because I couldn’t sleep.

It’s super easy and often quite fun and relaxing. I recommend just playing with it a bit, have some fun!



Music is a big part of society and using live loops in this activity was quite helpful to see how I could contribute sounds that I like into the world.

Hopefully we will never run out of music, there are only so many notes and orders but what you can do with them is almost limitless and I hope that sounds keep being made by people for as long as our time on this planet continues!

There are so many genres of music, from Classic to Lo-Fi, R&B to Folk, Pop to Jazz, it’s all so different and unique and beautiful. To me, music shapes the world. It shapes the way we live, the way we breath and the way we walk. Music keeps people happy, or helps them when they’re sad. I hope it never changes, the world needs music and we need to make it.

You have a heartBEAT. You live from a musical tapping in your body. Use it, make it, listen and appreciate it, music is a huge part of life that we use every day.

Thank you for reading!

Go listen to some music.



When writing this blog post I was listening to the Spotify Playlist “Lo-Fi Beats” and it was really chill so I mean if you want some calming music go listen to that.

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