Hello, and welcome back to another one of my blog posts!

For the last couple weeks, my class and I have been studding all about colonization of Canada. We got to choose between a few groups of people that were involved in  the start of colonization. The 5 people that we could choose from where, the Fille du roi who where sent to Canada from France, the Missionaries who came to Canada to spread the word about Christianity, poor men who came hopping for work in exchange for money, Rich men who came for more opportunities and to get new land and lastly the indigenous people who were there from the beginning, trading for new resources and more.

We broke up this project into  a few keystones so that we could do some mini projects that we handed in to a hand in app called “Showbie.”

Keystone 1:

In keystone one I started off the project by studding all about indigenous people and specifically the Cree nation. We had to answer several questions that out teacher assigned us. I learned all about their culture, traditions, community, and worldviews. It was really interesting to dive deeper into learning about there perspectives on colonization.

Keystone 2:

For keystone two we made a paragraph outline from the group we chose to study about. We basically took all the information we could from what we learned about in the past. We learned more about different views on colonization from our peers. We did this by listening to other peoples work about other groups who where involved in colonization in Canada and added that to our paragraph outline.

This is my paragraph outline:

Keystone 3:

For our third and final keystone before the final project I made a script for our video that my group and I made in our finish line. This was talking about mainly things from keystone one but then I summed it up to just the really important information. Once I was done my script, revised it with my group of 5 that I got randomly put into and we corrected each others work. I was really happy with the final result.

Finish line (keystone 4):

For our final keystone of this project my group and I put all our information together and created an AR maker voyions that handed in.

I don’t usually enjoy speaking in front of people and especially in front of a camera so I think that this project really helped me overcome my fear.


In conclusion, I had fun creating this project because I love researching about people or groups of people and especially a group that I am interested about already. I am happy with my final mark/grade that I got and  think that I worked hard and tried my best. Overall, I am happy with the outcome of this project and I think I learned quite a lot about the beginning of colonization in Canada.

Thank you for reading my blog!

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