Polynomials, Algebra, And Popsicle Sticks


Have you ever wondered why we clap, when in reality all we are doing is hitting ourselves because we like something? Well, if you have so have I. But that has nothing to do with today’s subject, polynomials and combining like terms!

The driving question for this project was “How can we use polynomials to highlight the use of mathematics in art”. Our final product was a popsicle stick structure, a game for our classmates to enjoy, a slideshow presentation and an answer to this question. How did we achieve all of this? Good question.

The process

When we first began this project, I had a surface level understanding of polynomials. I could solve them, and simplify them. Where I really benefitted from this project was while presenting a creative take on polynomials to the class. It would be safe to say that at the beginning of this project, I could have not imagined presenting to my math class in an exciting way. I did not think that it was humanly possible. Yet, by learning about how polynomials apply to our lives, and society around us was very enlightening.

The first milestone that helped me discover this was our lego structure building contest. I have to admit that I felt like a child in a math problem, using many bricks to build a trailer. The creative freedoms that we were given allowed us to decided on a subject that truly interests us. After lengthy research, I discovered polynomial architecture. I based my lego structure off of polynomial architecture, and not only did it benefit the final product, but it paved the way to my final product which shows my creative thinking at it’s finest.

Gallery walk poster

Furthermore, I really benefitted from creating our gallery walk poster. I got to exercise my weakness, representing in a pictorial form. The fact that we also got the chance to design and execute helped boost my moral, which at the time was low. I felt unqualified to complete the task. It took me three weeks to understand that this task was the most crucial part of the process, as I walked out feeling proud that I had completed the poster, as if I had somehow tackled the issue.

Gallery walk poster feedback

Finally, it was time to create the final product. My partner, Rhiann and I took a similar approach in which we had taken with our lego structure. This was because we had confirmed that the process works, and we were able to collaborate well, as we have different disinclinations. To extend beyond what was necessary, I decided to organize a game for my peers. Since this method had worked well for us, I figured that they would enjoy it as well. Despite all of my planning, I failed to calculate one factor. Their competitiveness. As a result, popsicle sticks flew everywhere and several students have shunned me. Despite this, I am still content with how we created, and presented the final product.

Understanding and solving

Apply multiple strategies to solve problems in both abstract and contextualized situations

I used this competency every day, especially when I was doing independent work. I do feel that this competency comes naturally to me, making it easier to solve a complex problem than it would otherwise be. I used personal knowledge, as well as practice that I received in this class as a basis to understand a problem, and then solve a higher level of equations. I do really enjoy doing calculus, which is why I found it helpful to review, as well as gain a deeper understanding of polynomials. In the future, I would like to make it my goal to show this understanding, especially through the final presentation.

Communicating and representing

Represent mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic forms

I saw myself using this competency in the final presentation. I would consider my strength in this area to be communicating. I am a good public speaker, and I enjoy discussing deep and investing topics. On the contrary, I found it more difficult to represent. In particular, I used a visual which I thought applied to what I was saying, when in reality those around me did not understand. The simple way to solve this would be to practice my presentation as many times as possible, in front of different people. They would be able to convert that the picture I display in reality contradicts what I am talking about, at least from their point of view. Then, I can reevaluate and rethink the message which I am conveying.

Connecting and reflecting

Connect mathematical concepts to each other and other areas and personal interests

This competency came into play when we fulfilled an algebra test. As I mentioned in my previous Scimatics blog post, I have made it my goal to gain comfort with taking a test. This competency solidified the fact that I am making good progress towards that goal. My strength in this competency lies in actually taking the test. I have a full and deep understanding of the subject, and I know that I have the ability to do well. On the other hand my weakness is the overwhelming height of my blood pressure. I put a lot of pressure on myself to exceed, especially considering the fact that this test was a significant part of our grade. Allow me to paint a picture. I receive my test, and I lead through the pages. I relax, as I know that I am able to compete the test. I finish the test within several minutes, and then I revise. And revise. And revise again. Oh did I mention revising? This is when other students begin to hand in their tests. I feel pressured, as I feel incapable compared to them. Eventually, after centuries of rereading my answers I hand in the test. This is a vicious cycle, and I am fully aware of how deteriorating it is of my self-esteem. My goal in the future: take a test every week. Even if it is simply quizzing myself on the past material, take a short test and calculate my results. It would also help to find a trusted friend adult for motivation, so that I improve next time.

 Applying and innovating

Contribute to care for self, others, community and the world through individual or collaborative approaches

I believe that I demonstrated a deep understanding of this competency through our first milestone, building the lego structure. I used a collaborative approach to contribute and analyze the mathematical community around me, while innovating in a mannerism foreign to me. In my opinion, I did well when it came to laying out our ideas. I hav always considered myself to be good at taking a complicated idea and simplifying it. On the contrary, I had the chance to speak up about the actual design, and I did not seize it. I did this because I already gave myself the impression of a manager, which I understand form my experience to be a very despairing role. If I were to comment on how my parter had build the structure, and the fact that she was breaking several rules then that could be interpreted as vain, which I do not want to be interpreted as.

Our lego structure along with the polynomial

I am of the full understanding that I should be comfortable discussing with my partner. In future projects, I will make it my goal to gain comfort correcting others. Of course, not in an overbearing way. Nobody likes a negative Nelly. Yet, if my grade rides on the final product then we must ensure that we give ourselves the vest possible chance of succeeding.

In short, I would consider this project to be very beneficial to my learning. Of course there are occurrences which I would adapt to in the future, and situations in which I am not proud of my reaction. I wish that I could flip a switch and make this all occur instantly. But this is not the Matrix, and I am not Neo. Until then, I need to diligently continue with the goals that I have stated in this blog post. My work ethic in this class is also a worthy mention. I used entirely class time to create the final product, as well as helping those around me achieve it too, which is a step up from my work ethic in the last project.

Part of the final structure

Thank you for attending my TED talk. The exit is on your right.

”Good morning, and in case I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening and good night.” – The Truman Show

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