Winter Exhibition Moment

Hello blog readers! I just finished a winter exhibition, and I will tell you all about it. Maybe not everything, because most of it was pretty boring and you wouldn’t think that reading about me standing in the same spot for 3 hours straight very interesting.

This exhibition I made a video where I interviewed Bob Putnam who owns Coast Outdoors, which is the best (and only) XC ski shop in Vancouver! They also sell kayaks and surfskis, and all of the equipment that goes with it. Coast Outdoors is on 352 Lynn Ave, North Vancouver, and is a great place to buy athletic equipment, XC ski gear, and kayaks. They also own Deep Cove Kayak.

Here is my video!

My group was corporate greed, and I was in a room based off of a business lounge. Great idea, but the problem was, we were in a classroom, and we needed to design our lounge and try to make it not look like a French classroom, that we couldn’t look at before the night of the exhibition. Here’s the design we came up with:

The exhibition was interesting, we had to stand in one place for people to look at our video from 5:30 to 8. Not many people came to my station, but I got to see a lot of people. In my 15 minute break, I tried to see all the different rooms, and they all looked really good and not like classrooms!

Thanks for listening to my blog post, and I will see you in the new year!

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