Questioning Star Wars

In school we were given a project to do. Everyone had to come up with any question that they wanted to but it had to be about Star Wars. You then had to do a project to help answer your question. My question was how do they make and come up with the sound effects. I picked this question because I like I like sound effects and I honestly couldn’t come up with anything else.

Before I started to answer the question I had to create a planning sheet. I put a lot of thought into it and it really helped me decide on what I was going to do for my project.

To answer my question I spent days researching starwas sound effects, what inspired them, and how they made them. I then took my favorite 10 sound effects and made a slideshow with them and all of the information about the process of making them. It was pretty tricky to find all the informationo but i managed to do it.


For my project I also created my own character and created a sound effect for it. I created an alien creature that was really tall and skinny with lots of green stripes. To create the sound effect for it I read about the other sound effects and tried to come up with an idea similar to that. I read that a lot of the sound effects were based on sounds of animals so I thought I would try to use an animal. I recorded my dog growling twice and then mixed them together. I then slowed it down a bit and made it deeper. In the end the sound turned out pretty good and I was quite proud of it. I really feel like I answered the question and learned a lot.

Once I was all done my project I was put into a group with people in my class that had similar projects to mine. This was the group I was going to present my project with. The way we presented our projects was really fun. We were giving a planet from star wars  and a room in the school. We then had to transform our room into the planet and set up our projects. My group had the planet hoth. We came up with some really creative ideas but it was pretty hard to make them happen. We started off really slowly and were very scared it wasn’t going to turn out ok. We ended up getting help from lots of our classmates and were able to get the room setup. Because we had hoth we had to make the room cold so we opened up all the windows and it ended up being freezing inside. We also added a  Wampa Cave out of cardboard and sheets and added lots of white paper to the room to make it look snowyCave Sign.Wampa Cave


We created a pathway down the middle of the room with lots of tables and white paper.



Beginning of Pathway

We set up our projects on the tables and finally the room was done. People started arriving and it was fun showing off my project we also had to have a snack and game at our planet so we gave out Hoth (hot) chocolate and people played pin the arm on the wampa. I had a great time answering my question and presenting my project and I can’t wait until next time.

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