My Mind Is Growing Faster Than Me

Having a growth mindset isn’t all that easy, but it can be. Prior to the last 2 or 3 months I didn’t really have a growth mindset for most things, and it’s not that I didn’t realize and want to change that, it’s that I didn’t know how to. However, in the process of learning all about my mindset, my eyes have been opened to some new concepts of learning that I will implement all throughout my life.

We learned about failures and how to come back from them, and think of them as attempts and not failures. Ms. Willimse showed us how many famous, smart or successful people failed. It was really inspiring to find out how Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team, or how Walt Disney was told he wasn’t creative enough. It’s crazy to think that now they are some of the most influential people of all time. It just goes to show that a growth mindset can take you a long way.

A lot of having a growth mindset is knowing what’s realistic and what isn’t. There’s no point in trying to be confident in something you know won’t work, because you will just be discouraged by your failure. This is something that was crucial to our final assignment in this course. We were tasked to create a ‘growth mindset selfie’ in which we come up with a long term goal and write it on a picture of ourself. I struggled with creating a strong goal, but once I got it I enjoyed the assignment. I must say though, the hardest bit was finding a good picture. Once I had my goal and my picture I ended up creating something I was very proud of.

My Growth Mindset Selfie

The thing I did that no one else did that was most proud of was that I layered the writing. Basically, I added a png of the writing and then made it look like part of the writing was behind say a rock or a part of my body. Probably doesn’t make any sense, but hopefully you get that I worked quite hard on it.

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danielw • January 19, 2017

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