MPOL 2019

It’s hard to believe we’re already here, but it’s time for MPOLs! The new year signals a midway point in our school year, and a time for reflection. This is my third year presenting an MPOL and so far I’ve done pretty well, let’s hope I can keep that same energy this year…


Contrary to last years MPOL, I have been pretty confident and proud of the work I have completed so far. When I look back on this blog and think about all the projects we have done, there isn’t one in particular that I think I really struggled with. I mean, I guess this is a good thing, but for some reason I’m not quite satisfied. Maybe it’s because I haven’t pushed myself enough, but even then, I don’t think that’s the case. Now, I’m not saying I had a perfect term because that’s not at all how I feel. 

In terms of science, I’m not very proud of me and Lucas’ solar angles project. We originally had some strong ideas but we weren’t motivated enough to turn them in to a reality. Normally I wouldn’t speak on behalf of other people but me and him have talked and we know there was a lot we could have done better. When Mr. Gross told us to do revisions, weekend after weekend we just didn’t do them, because bottom line, we didn’t want to. That’s the kind of attitude I have since been doing my best to avoid, as I wasn’t happy with my grade in term 1.

Solar Powered Shoe Store

On the math side of things, my algebra tile game with Marshall was a bit of a similar story. I definitely don’t think it’s as bad, but there is an over-arching carelessness that surrounds our project. Whenever there is a break in between a project, it’s very unlikely that I’m going to work on it, and returning back to school still working on the same thing is also difficult. 


So overall I would say I’m pretty happy with my projects so far this year, but there is clearly work to be done. However after talking with my teachers I know what that work is, and a lot of it is more of a mindset switch. That’s something I’m going to be working on very hard for the remainder of this year.


The most interesting thing I’ve learned so far this year is less actual subject material, but rather about myself. Through my success with the Crazy Pecha Kuchas, I’ve learned that despite I’d rather not admit it, I perform better under tight deadlines. I know they’ve heard it enough times by now, but when Ms. Willemse and Mr. Hughes announced that we weren’t allowed a script, 3 days before the exhibition, I felt a wave of anxiety come over me, something I haven’t felt in a very long time. Little did I know, this pressure would end up propelling me to one of my best presentations to date. This has made me realize that sometimes worrying is okay, because it just means I care enough that I’m scared I won’t meet my own expectations.

Disregarding Doubt


For the most part I really enjoy making videos, mainly by myself, and we have made a lot of videos this year, a lot! However, I always volunteer to edit, and as we have done a lot of videos, I’ve sort of gotten fed up with editing. But obviously with all the videos we’ve done, I’m bound to have really enjoyed at least one, and I have – the only solo one we did this year! All joking aside, the most fun project I worked on this year was a pretty small one; the Live Event Video. I went out and filmed my brothers soccer game, and it was super fun. I got home, transferred the footage on to my iPad and was so excited about the project that I edited it right away. Usually I would split up the work or procrastinate until as late as possible. I think the reason I enjoyed it so much was because there weren’t many restrictions. We got to film pretty much whatever we wanted and edit it how we like. These are the kind of projects I hope there are more of in the future, as I feel like a lot of my passionate creativity can be expressed through them.

Filming Some Footy


Goal setting is nothing new for PLP, but this year it has taken a new form as PGP, in which we are following “What Do You Really Want?” a book by Beverly K. Bachel, that’s purpose is to help people set and follow through with meaningful goals that will benefit themselves. I’m gonna be honest, I’ve never been much of a goal setting kind of guy. I’ve always felt like it’s too cliché and a load of rubbish. PGP has helped me understand how I could adapt my mindset to allow goal setting to work, but it’s a process, and I understand that. Goals aren’t meant to be short and easy, and I’m definitely getting better at setting realistic, beneficial goals. I wish I started reading the book sooner, because I’m not going to lie, I haven’t been reading it enough to really know if it’s working. After completing the forms however, I have already gotten a firm grasp on what it actually takes to achieve a goal. I will continue to work hard on PGP as it’s something I believe I can benefit from with time.


  • PGP Form 7


What are some skills of mine that you have noticed, that you think I have yet to notice within myself?

danielw • January 21, 2019

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