
Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own
learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect
me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and
opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback
that I can use to improve as a learner.

Okay so if I’m Being super honest with myself this year at school has been physically and emotionally very challenging. I feel like I haven’t and have improved at the same time.

 During around November I found myself really feeling down and if I’m being totally honest with you even a little depressed. I found it really hard to focus and work and tune into my responsibility as a student with all my other responsibilities. I found myself getting really stressed and overwhelmed due to the high expectations involved in PLP and quite frankly I just wanted to give up. 

I think a big part of my growth this year was that I picked up my socks and got myself organized enough to get my work done even if it was overdue. 

I have put in my all since I came to a realization that if I actually did my work and showed up to class that maybe I would get better. At the start it was really hard to break unhealthy habits, I’d find myself saying okay this is the last time I’m gonna do it and then I’d do it again. I never really gave myself a rest. So now instead of telling myself this is the last I just let myself have a rest. The pace of the year started evening out right after I got back from whistler and I went away to Palm Springs and Mexico. Until I got back and realized oh shit… I’ve gotta catch up but instead of just panicking and being unsteady I learned how to stay calm and find time to catch up, since I knew if I didn’t the process was really hard and i did not want to go through what i did again. 

This year has been quite a busy year and during the half way mark through the second term of school I really ended up learning how to get my stuff in order and how to pace through it slowly but still smart. Even though id beat myself up over the smallest things i always end up being pretty happy with the end result.

 I was really proud of my frankenstuffies project since I was just kinda really getting out of my unhealthy mindset. I really focused on mental health in that project and I really liked getting into it. I think that was my proudest piece of work since I found myself really connecting to it. I think what I should do in near future is find ways to really get dug in and connect with school through my life lessons and my journey through this school year. 

I’ve just got to say a big thank you to these people since they deserve A-LOT of credit. Ruby, Dad, Mom, my dads girlfriend Tracy, My stepdad Ian, my grandma, SOME of my teachers, Jessamy, Julia, Sophia, Ada and especially Lilly. (I don’t think id even get close to passing without you guys.) I think a big lesson for me is that all u need in your manual is a good set of friends and a really supportive family. I’m so great full for my opportunities and my friends and sometimes my family even though were all stubborn I think it was amazing the way we worked out in the end. 

I think I have shown a lot of proof on how I can move into the next grade through the way I have been able to learn how to keep a healthy balance in my day to day life. I think I have also shown my dedication by the way I switched my mindset on PLP. Even though I thought id never say it I am proud to say that I am ready for grade 10.

Oh yes and also of course thanks to this playlist…

See you next year, All the best.
