90s And the 00s Compared To Now A-Days.

 So These are both quite similar starring bright colours and denim. Fashion tends to go in cycles. In 2021 and 2022 you start being able to see some trends from the early 00s and late 90s come back like yoga pants and baggy denim.   …

A day in 1999

This blog post is just all fun and games now! After that heavy talk about body and Britney, we will move onto more destiny’s child, spice girls and ofc more Britney. The 00s is just around the corner so lets get ready for it!  Now…

behind the scenes

  The early 2000’s style is kinda referencing to the 60’s hippy look with the dress over jeans and the cowl necked tops, and don’t you think I forgot about the most important part, the extreme low rise. Now thanks to Britney Spears the whole…

It’s 2000s baby!!

Hey👋 Are you exited or are you exited because you are bouta see me tryna explain fashion, slang, hair, music, makeup and more from the golden years. And I think we know what that means.. its 2000s talk! Keep updated for more posts on my…

My pencil persuasion

Welcome back! Or welcome to one of my very many learning posts, today in this particular post I will be discussing and looking at my drawings from my most recent project. In this project we learned how to use a lot of new tools in…

Me becoming a “photographer” in school!

Hello everyone! Welcome back or welcome to my blog! Well today I am gonna be talking about me adapting my skills and becoming a photographer! (Well not really a photographer).. in this project I have learnt how to use many different apps for colouring, adjusting…

Me becoming a “photographer” in school…

Hello everyone! Welcome back or welcome to my blog! Well today I am gonna be talking about me adapting my skills and becoming a photographer! (Well not really a photographer).. in this project I have learnt how to use many different apps for colouring, adjusting…

I Have Officially Become A PLP Learner!

At first I got told that we were doing a time capsule. And when I thought time capsule I thought of a jumbo kinder egg surprise holder with a picture of me and a letter to myself and I would maybe burry it in my…

My Team Member Contract

My Team Contract. My job in a team is definitely to build or make, I am not really good at thinking except when it comes to creativity, I am next level at that. I can come up with ideas and I am good at getting…