Student Blogging challenge.

Hey! Guys, guess what? This is the last blogging challenge we have to do! Not gonna lie, I’m kinda sad. The blogging challenge was fun, but oh well. In this blog post i’m going to be reflecting on all that we’ve done so far!

In the beginning of this challenge, we started off updating our “About Me’ pages, since well, I’m sure we’ve all changed since the beginning of September, I know I have.

Next up, we learned how to comment! Leaving quality comments on other people’s blogs, though it was slightly challenging because we weren’t allowed to comment on fellow grade 8’s blog posts. So we were pushed out of our comfort zones to comment on other PLP student’s blog posts.

Day three, on day three we learned how to embed content into a blog post, we did this by writing about a topic that interested us, then embedding content about it. For me, I chose Mötley Crüe, an 80s glam metal band.

On day four, we got to do some drawing!  We were told to draw something that related to our worldview in some way, I chose geography and values, by doing that, I drew a forest to represent the beautiful place we live.

Day five was pretty fun, on our fifth day, we learned about widgets! Widgets added a little bit of character to our blog by allowing us to add pictures, calendars, globes, view counts so much more. Personally, I added a calendar and a frog picture, because I love frogs and calendars are always nice.

Day six! Possibly my favourite day our of the entire blogging challenge, it was about music! One of my favourite topics to talk about. In this blog post I talked about David Bowie, guitar, and made a playlist of my favourite David Bowie songs! This post was my favourite because it gave me an excuse to rant about one of my favourite musicians, and instruments! 

Day seven. On day seven, we were introduced to a random emoji generator and told to write a story based on the emojis. At first I wasn’t that excited about specific blogging challenge, but it turned out to be really fun, especially since I took some inspiration from a former summer vacation trip to help write my short story.

Day eight, on day eight. We were told to write a blog post on our most recently finished project,  ‘How It Started/How Its Going’

Day nine, Celebrations and festivals! On this day we were told to talk about holiday traditions that our families celebrate, or just to talk about why we like said holiday, along with a poem about one of the holidays we chose, I chose Christmas!

That concludes my blog posts for the student blogging challenge! I hope you enjoyed learning about the challenges! 

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