Seeing a few religions in two days

In my last post I talked about a project we have been working on in class. Where we are creating two Explain Everything’s about two religions and then from there inserting them into an iBook. To learn more about these different religions that everyone was researching we went on field trips to multiple religious buildings to learn more. This took one full school day and then two other half days. When we did this we went to a Sikh temple, a Christian church, an Islam mosque, a Vedic culture center, a Tibetan temple and a Jewis synagogue. These were all amazing places to see and observe other people’s religions. It also confirmed a lot of information that either we weren’t sure about or didn’t know.

Here are a few images of the places that we went to:

This trip taught me tons about all different people and religions. I also got some great Indian food out of it 😉 Also it showed that you can’t always trust what the Internet says. So overall these trips were great experiences!

Thanks for Reading and soon I will be doing another post cloncluding this project

So Bye for Now!


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