Archive of ‘Religion’ category

Seeing a few religions in two days

In my last post I talked about a project we have been working on in class. Where we are creating two Explain Everything’s about two religions and then from there inserting them into an iBook. To learn more about these different religions that everyone was researching we went on field trips to multiple religious buildings to learn more. This took one full school day and then two other half days. When we did this we went to a Sikh temple, a Christian church, an Islam mosque, a Vedic culture center, a Tibetan temple and a Jewis synagogue. These were all amazing places to see and observe other people’s religions. It also confirmed a lot of information that either we weren’t sure about or didn’t know.

Here are a few images of the places that we went to:

This trip taught me tons about all different people and religions. I also got some great Indian food out of it 😉 Also it showed that you can’t always trust what the Internet says. So overall these trips were great experiences!

Thanks for Reading and soon I will be doing another post cloncluding this project

So Bye for Now!


Traveling To Mecca

Have you ever studied religions and then had to go and visit the worship place. I know my mum did when she was my age, so I guess some things don’t change. From that intro you may have already guessed it but in class we studied religions and then each of us were assigned a group where we had to look into two religions, a new world and a western religion. Then we created and are still creating an Explain Everything with that info. Well our group (which includes Kate and Marcus) looked into/are still looking into Islam and Nation of Islam. Now if you haven’t heard of them before they are two different religions that have many similarities. The main similarity is the 5 Pillars of Islam. Those are kind of like rules or beliefs that if you are a strong believing Muslim then you will do as they say.


-The first pillar is the belief in God or as they call him Allah.

-The second pillar is praying 5 times a day everyday. These prayers are specific and have a rhythm to them. Also they are specific times of the day so for example today the prayer times are at 3:51 AM, 1:08 PM, 5:12 PM, 8:16PM, 8:34 PM.

-The third pillar is giving charity to the poor. This can be either monetarily (money) or it can be giving service to others.

-The fourth pillar is fasting in the month of Ramadan and that rotates every year. Both Islam and Nation of Islam believe this but NOI ( Nation of Islam) believes that you can do this in the month of Christmas so that new worshippers find it easier to break the Christmas tradition.

-And the fifth and final pillar is traveling to Mecca. They believe that doing this at least once in your lifetime is obligatory.


So as you can see they are very similar in that sense but how are they different? Well the biggest thing is that Islam accepts everyone who wants to worship and believe in Islam. But Nation of Islam believes that Balck colored people are the original people of earth and that white skinned people are the devils.

Now this is all just skimming the two religions and I will tell you more in another blog post where I reveal my groups Explain Everything. Also I will create a blog post about going to religious buildings.

Well that’s all for now!