An Angled Unit

Angles are everywhere in our day today life. Looking at a building a table really anything but how do you find out what those angles? Well recently in math class we have been looking at trigonometry. Trigonometry is when you need to find the angle or a side of a triangle and you use a process to get the answer.

A description of trigonometry

In order to get to the answer there are multiple steps from the trigonometric ratio or a process called soh,cah,toa it all makes up trigonometry as a whole. So over the past few months we have been learning this. Starting off with a video explaining SOH CAH TOA. This was a good introduction to the unit since it gave us all a good over view of what the next few months would be about.

During this whole unit we were filling out a package about trigonometry and how to do it.

And so it was time to start the actual project. We were supposed to look into Solar Panels and what angle they should be at for it to be ideal. And not only make the solar panel but also a house for it to rest on. This was really interesting because we also learned the science and if at a certain time what angle the solar panel should be at.

Overall this was a really interesting project to learn about the math and the science. And I’m sure that this will help me in the time to come.

So thanks for reading and bye for now!

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