Math and Games?

Recently in math class we have been looking at algebra tiles. More specifically algebraic expressions. We have been doing this for a few months and learning all of the steps needed to solve these difficult equations.

For the project we had to create a math game that shows we learned about factor expressions, expanding expressions as well as making perfect squares. These are all important aspects to algebra and through the project we had to make I learned a lot about these aspects of math. We were to do this in partners and mine was Hannah, we worked well together and had fun working on the game. At the beginning we didn’t know where to take the project.

This was the first draft for the game:

We saw that there were flaws in this draft so we improved the rules here are our rules:


The goal of the game is to get to the finish line on the board first and collect the most points.

You start out by each player rolling the number di and who ever has the highest numbers gets to start.

Then you roll the number di again to move forward

The game board is full with red and blue squares if you land on a blue square you get a positive point, and a red square negative point

If you land on a red square you have to pick up an equation card. If you solve the equation before the time runs out you get 1 point if you don’t you get a negative point.

If you land on a blue you create an equation for your opposing player by using the number di and the equation di twice. If the opposing player gets it right they get a point.

Anytime you solve an equation and it’s a perfect square you get two points

Points are tracked on the individual note pad where you write out your negative and positive points in the columns and candle them out.

Game board
1 di
Blue and red algebra tiles
Equation cards.
Note pad

Equations and answers:

(x + 2)(x – 3) = x² -1x – 6
(x + 1)(x + 6) = x² + 7x + 6
(x – 6)(x + 1) = x² – 5x – 6
–3(x – 4)(2x + 3) = -6x² + 15x + 36
(x − 5)(x + 3) = x² − 2x − 15
(x – 5)(x + 2) = x² – 3x – 10
(x – 4)(x + 2) = x² – 2x – 8
(2x+3)(3x – 2) = 6x² + 5x – 6

x² – 7x = x(x−7)
x² + 2x = x(x+2)
-6x² – 3x = 3x(−2x−1)
-5x² + x = x(−5x+1)
2x² – 4x – 2 = 2(x2−2x−1)


We also created a video to show how to play the game, here it is:

Truly this was a really interesting project that taught me a lot about algebra!


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