Hello to all,

I’m back with another blog post, this time about my most recent project, the Middle Ages. In this project we had three major assignments. I’ll give you a brief overview of how we made them, them I’ll show you them. Enjoy!

Keystone 1. Inquiry Portfolio 

For this project we learned about various aspects of the Middle Ages, and we completed some sort of worksheet every day, and then compiled them into a slideshow. Here is a brief overview of each slide.

Middle Ages – Inquiry portfolio

  1. Just the starting page.
  2. This was basically my prediction of what we were going to learn in this unit, along with how well I thought I did in this activity.
  3. For this slide we watched some videos of our teachers saying what to look for in a learning resource, and this was important because we created some of our later projects in this unit using this a a guide.
  4. To create this slide we watched a video about the Middle Ages and sorted what we learned into a few different categories.
  5. On this page I documented what we had learned so far about the feudal system.
  6. This page was a Venn Diagram comparing certain aspects of life in a medieval manor vs. a medieval town.
  7. The next page was a piece of writing compiling what we had learned about why the church was so powerful in the Medieval Ages.
  8. This slide compared the power between different social classes in the Middle Ages.
  9. The last slide was showing my plan for our next keystone….                                                            

Middle Ages – Learning guide

Keystone 2. Power in the Middle Ages 

For this keystone we compiled our learning from the last keystone and turned in into a learning guide. Hope you like it! 

I’ll give you a brief over view of what each slide goes over, but you should be able to gain a decent understanding of the Middle Ages from watching this video.

• intro

• overview of the Middle Ages

• what is power?

• How the feudal system came around

• Overview of the feudal system

• Peasants 

• Serfs

• merchants

• farmers

• craftspeople

• knights

• nobles/barons

• church officials

• king

• Pope

• overview of 

• manors vs towns

  • the church
  • Outro

Keystone 3. The Crusades

For this keystone we did some learning about the crusades, and then started to create our slideshow using what we had learned from the previous keystones, I’m very happy with how mine turned out.

Crusades – Slideshow

I hope you enjoyed seeing my finished products and how I made them, see you next time!