It’s been Riel, guys.

Our last project before spring break was “Let’s get Riel”. A project was we created three images related to a piece of Canadian history and we also learned about Louis Riel, what was this project like? Let’s get into that!

Part 1: The Set-up

Our driving question for this project was: How can we present past actions and decisions through images to help us make decisions about what is fair or unjust?

The competencies we were using in this project were: Connect:  How do I understand my own and others’ personal connection to texts I read, listen, and view? and Understand Ethical Dimensions: How do we decide if the actions and decisions of the past were fair or unjust, or should or should not have been taken? 

The core of the project was reading Louis Riel by Chester Brown and researching the topic of our images, my group’s topic was the disappearance of the bison.

My group was a simple two-man group, moi, and my classmate, Rhiann!

Part 2: The work

In this part, I am going to talk about how I believe I expressed the core competencies through this project.

Understand Ethical Dimensions: How do we decide if the actions and decisions of the past were fair or unjust, or should or should not have been taken? 

I found that I demonstrated this competence well in my literary response to the Louis Riel graphic novel and overall the life of Louis Riel I wrote about how we view Louis Riel. as a hero. or a villain. Blank

Connect: How do I understand my own and others’ personal connection to texts I read, listen, and view? 

I would say that I have understood the information and texts relating to the disappearance of the bison and that can be seen in the image and the description.

Conclusion: A reflection

I am going to reflect on this project by talking about something I excelled at and something I could improve on. I would say excelled at expressing past actions and decisions (specifically the disappearance of the bison ) through the images I created, I felt that the images in a way tell the story of the disappearance of the bison.

I would say something that I could improve on is consuming and getting a deeper meaning from what we were reading.

That all I have to say, so I guess……. Have a good spring break and goodbye!

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