i dunno wat to call this one


Welp, it’s almost over. The gregorian Grade 10 British Columbian school year and my time at PLP. And today I want to talk about 1 of my final projects of Grade 10, Voices Of The Cove. So let’s start @ the beginning.

This project was unique compared to the other projects this year. This project was specifically tied to two things; the 1950s and Deep Cove. So let’s start off by talking about the latter. The first half of this project had us talking about Deep Cove and its history alongside members of the Deep Cove Heritage Society. I found this project a bit weird, bcoz I live in East Van and honestly don’t have much of a connection to DP (Deep Cove, not Daft Punk).

We mainly had two assignments connected to Deep Cove, we had to interview a classmate about Deep Cove and on the 2nd was we had to interview a member of the cove about it and its history. I will spare you from hearing the first rendition as it was pretty dookie, but I think the 2nd rendition was a really interesting convo I had w/ my classmate: Kaia. ( side point about Deep Cove interview, miscommunicated about times and other things and it didn’t work out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

I think talking about this milestone calls for…….

I think the milestone demonstrates the competency of Discuss, Listen, Speak very well! I think I really used the opportunity to discuss broader ideas about the Cove and small communities. I think another way part of the competency I highlighted well was how I talked and handle the microphone. And that’s pretty much what I have to say RN.

The second part of this project focused on a topic of our choice and its relation to Canada and the 1950s. This part of the project was really interesting because I really wanted to make this part of the project unique to my interests and not just funnelled into a piece of work I would have regretted so I decide to discuss Skateboarding and the 1950s. If you know anything, about anything, you know that skateboarding didn’t exist in the 1950s.  I initially tackled these ideas in a short presentation about the topics which helped evolve into the podcast episode.

For the original podcast episode, I decided to interview PD from Skull Skates P.D Hot Shop as it was the oldest skate company and shop in Canada starting in the 1970s and still open today. Sadly communicating with them wasn’t the easiest and the timeframes didn’t really align with my project timeline. So I decided to Interview Michelle from Anti Social Skate Shop which is one of the best skate shops in van, ( located right on main st !).

The interview worked out great and really helped round out this episode. I asked her about skating and Van and she gave really interesting answers.

And once again……

I think this episode really demonstrated the competency of Continuity and Change. I discussed the current skate scene and how it evolved into what it is today with specific examples. I think how I explored those ideas were very well done alongside the tech side of the episode.

And with that……

I think that this project was pretty great and the concepts and ideas we explored were really interesting. Over the past couple of years PLP was probably one of the biggest things that helped me form me into the person I am today and I think the unique way of learning really helped me learn the ideas taught.

and finally…… Cya!

Disney and Change.

Yello? This is Jude. In today’s blog post I am talking about Disneyland. Yes, the children’s theme park in which some adults are strangely obsessed with. For this post, I am tasked to connect Continuity and Change to Disneyland. I think one of the biggest aspects of change is the evolution of the rides! While the original Disneyland consisted of Fairy Tales, now most of the themes of the rides are based on the various Disney movies and other properties they own. So I thought it would be fun to pitch some new rides based of the movies they own.

This is a pretty simple ride, you go into the Cart and you are stuck until you can escape out of it. Now onto the next ride!

This ride is actually a Family Ride, you enter in a cart either shaped like a convertible or boat and go through the set pieces of the movie. Sadly you aren’t allowed to enter with your dad, and halfway through you feel sad that can’t go with him. But I think that this is also a great new ride for Disneyland. Now onto the next one!

(I actually haven’t finished this movie because it was too scary, so if anyone wants to fill in this section of post, your free too.)

In this ride, you ride by yourself and pretend that you have a manic pixie S/O while going through the major plot points of the film.

I think it’s funny how Disney has evolved, in the beginning it was seen as perfect representation of America with world leaders going to it see as a cultural hub and seeing the social media posts they currently have they seem to still believe that it is a cultural landmark. Thanks for reading this post and Cya!



Romeo and Juliet? You mean Gnomeo and Juliet?

Hi there. You’re probably wondering how I got these podcast episodes and a radio play. I guess I will tell you this drawn-out story (which I will hand to my teacher as well). But first, all stories have exposition and foreshadowing, so let’s kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

As the great American author “IMDb” would tell you Season 4, Episode 18 of Frasier is about, “Frasier tries to direct an old-time radio drama for KACL, but his over-directing turns the show into a complete disaster – just as Niles predicted.”  Our project seemed to mirror the episode, a fair bit actually. The project was about adapting a piece of text over an audio play, and an over-managing director making it a disaster and a sound team that seems to be a little bit whacky. To summarize this project, we adapted William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet to an audio-play alongside making 2 podcast episodes about adaptations and classics. So let’s talk about the podcast episodes first.

Making a podcast for me, was like going fishing. It was long and boring but in the end, it was something you can show off anywhere ( Your Dad, Instagram, EHarmony, etc).  Anyways, back to the topic. If you are a follower in the underground hip-hop scene, aboveground hip-hop scene or just a pretty cool dude who likes pretty cool music, you would have heard that sadly rapper MF DOOM passed and this information was revealed to the public on December 31st, 2020. As a pretty big DOOM fan, I have been listening to him a lot lately (My favourite projects are Unexpected Guests and The Mouse and the Mask.) So when the topic of creating a podcast about what makes a classic and Shakespeare I thought “Hot Mama Mia! I should make a podcast episode about MF DOOM and classic works”. So I related them as I believe DOOM is a classic as he has amazing production, insanely complex flows throughout his songs and wordplay on the same level as shakespeare.

In my 2nd episode, I still wanted to make it as a Judocast, but for moi personally, it felt more like a task. Like I was writing an entire essay about Wingstop and short people trading hedges as funds is purely the fonts of wingdings and comic sans (with a funky rainbow gradient on the text) and night-time Tylenol and triple shot double-double to balance it out… Anyways for the 2nd episode in this coolio swag project we was talking about Adaptations! We were working at this episode in a tangent of looking at the adaptations, specifically of 1997’s Romeo + Juliet and 1968’s Romeo and Juliet.  I decided to take 360 “U-turn no scope” into talking about 2002’s Adaptation by Spike Jonze and starring Nick Cage (2x). I got my other group members of Gabe and Anders (of their respective podcasts) to at least check the movie and talk about it alongside what makes an adaptation. We discussed what makes adaptation relevant to its time and we talked about the themes of Adaptation (2002).

Okie Dokie, Speed round time! This part of the project was the final leg of the 5-week PLP arms race. So. We created an (Audio Play) adaptation of Romeo and Juliet!  I was a script team writer and I specifically wrote act 4 and voice acted Friar Lawrence in act 4. The overall plotline was audio of Romeo and Juliet was playing on the radio so some fellas, good pals perhaps ( Gabe and Kaden) decide to listen in and make funny lines alongside the very goofy script.


Overall for my tiny lizard brain, this was a pretty rad project and I learned about literature and Podcasts/Movies. Cya!

Hey yall, once again it is Jude. I’m back with another blog post. This time I’m talking about another, another podcast project, our podcast episode about WW2. In this episode of Judocast, I took a Deep Dive into the Particia Theatre with its owner Ann Nelson about the theatre WW2 and more.

Now, you may be asking, “Jude? How did create that episode? Also how did you get into my house?” Well to create this episode I had to answer 2 questions, I want to talk about I tried to handle first….

With all Judocast episodes, I want to keep them authentic to the theme of pop culture I like, I don’t wanna turn them into a essay or talk about something I’m bored about. Also we had to include a Veteran to tell their story on our pods. From pretty early research I found out that WW2 was a major in film history, From French New Wave to Propaganda to Documentaries. But I wanted to tell a story of were it was all shown; Movie Theatres. I looked into some stuff andshuffled down to 2 options, The Scenic Theatre, in North Dakota, the oldest theatre in North America and The Patricia Theatre in Powell River, the oldest theatre in canada. Now, unless you are a goldfish reading this post, (somehow, honestly though I don’t know how that would work logistically), you can recall that I interviewed Ann Nelson of the Patricia Theatre. So lets get into that.

The Patricia is located in the tiny town of island town of Powell River, so I could only talk over zoom ( there was also a infectious disease rapidly spreading so meeting in person wasn’t cool ).

After many miscommunicated emails I finally had my interview over the phone to put it in the pod. (I am not going to put the audio in this blog post because I hate the sound of my voice).

The Patricias story was really interesting honestly, and Ann’s interview touched on the unique history of the theatre and how it was involved with WW2. The theatre ran a special commissioned documentary featuring the soldiers of Powell River reunited for this documentary before fighting in battle.

At the beginning of this post, I talked about how I had to answer 2 questions throughout the project. Now I am going to talk about my second question, my driving question

HOW MIGHT WE USE STORIES TO UNDERSTAND THE CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF WWII? I think I can say that we can understand the causes and consequences of WW2 using stories by seeing perspectives of the people who experienced it and being able to share and reflect about those stories.


Well, that’s all I have to say here. Cya!


Podcast? More like Pod – (insert funny pun here)!

Hey y’all, it’s Jude again. Today I want to talk about another podcast project, although this time it’s different. Instead of creating a podcast trailer, I am creating an episode! My debut podcast episode! My debut podcast episode about Canada! and in this post I am going to dive deep into the podcast, or should I say, Judocast: DeepDive into it! ( The joke is that Judocast: DeepDive, is the name of my podcast! ). 

An intro to Canada identity, culture and CBC TV shows from 2004

The driving question for this project was, Who is the “Greatest” Canadian?  

To find the answer to this, we have to look into Canadian culture and identity, to do this, we have to comprehend text about Canada. It’s funny, comprehending text is actually a competency that we are learning about in this project! To understand Canadian identity and culture, we looked at various sources, but majorly, from the Canadian English textbook from 2015 (I’m pretty sure). We tackled a variety of subjects from the textbooks, from Globalization, the 1982 constitution to how diversity shapes Canada and how trends shape Canadian identity. We also looked at the 2004 CBC TV show, The Greatest Canadian briefly. We showed our learning of these sources in a couple of ways, from answering questions in a group to take lecture notes and filling in blank entries in informative keynotes, mad-libs style. 

(Sampling of the notes I took from these lectures.)

The biggest thing I took away from this section of the project, was that Canada’s national identity is shaped by the identity of its government, its landscape, its population and its culture, and knowing what makes its identity can help you view Canada. I think that I could reflect and talk about it, shows that I can comprehend text.

Ambience, Butt Cuts and the History of the 90s

The biggest part of this project was definitely the creation of the podcast. We had to create a podcast episode about who we thought was the greatest Canadian in the subculture of our respected podcasts. I feel like I regret choosing who I chose, but I also think, that it helped me create a great podcast that establishes the tone of the Pod. To create the episode, there was two elements we had to master, the technical, (the sound, editing and recording) and the content, (the research, the script and the interview).

So let’s talk about the editing side.  We couldn’t just upload 10 – 15 minutes of unedited sound, talking about canada. We had to make it pleasent for listeners, so we added ambient background noise.

 (this is what I added as ambience)

To  connect the diffrent recordings and parts of the story we had transitions we created, the transitions were short musical pieces.

(This was my transition!)

Now lets talk about the content, we had to write our podcast script and hold a interview with someone who relate to the topic of the person. The script went through many revisions and (for me personally) it was very hard to get the interview.

my script!

Now that we have that context………

The compententcy for this side of the project was, establish historical signifance. I believe that I did through the creation of the script and podcast overall, and specfically through talking about James Cameron, (my ‘greatest canadian’) and his impact on canadian on international film making.

I think that this project was reallygreat and helped expand my knowledge on podcasting, canada and its national identity. I want to end out this post with the completed episode, so here it is! public.3.basecamp.com/p/9XESQYB6qvsQ8X8S3vM96VKJ


This Seycovian Life

 Hello friends, Jude again. PLP projects pass and months pass, but there is something special with the last humanities project we had “project podcast”. Not only is it the first mid-covid, adjusted school project, but it’s also the first grade 10 PLP project and the first project in the audio medium.

In this project, we learnt about podcasts and how to make a podcast trailer, and we learned about identity.

The driving question in this project was How Might I Create A Trailer For My Podcast Which Informs, Inspires, And Entertains??  

So, now with this project and its information in mind, let’s dive into the topic…….

A major part of the project was an exploration of identity and what it means. We started by independently defining identity as how we believe it I wrote:

What defines you as a person and how you will be remembered. An expression of how you are (beliefs, values, what you like/don’t like, culture, history ), and what defines you as a person and how you will be remembered. Your background plays a role in who your identity is.

Alongside our definitions of it, we also explored our own identity by creating bio-poems and mask illustrations of our identity. We ended our discussions of this by creating a formative blog post about identity. With this blog post, we had to create a gif of a double-exposed image and representations of our identity. You can view that blog post here. So now I want to end this section by discussing the competencies we had to show for this milestone.

Creative Communicator

How might I use technology to create and communicate?

I have used technology to communicate in this milestone by not only creating an image and gif from other images but by using information from multiple sources, teachers, family and the internet to create my own definition of identity.
Since that is all over with, let’s jump into the second part of the project…
Since this PLP school year is an exploration of the audio medium, we are obviously going to be learning about podcasts, as it’s a frontrunner of the audio medium.  So let’s start at the beginning, what a podcast? A podcast is an oral story or discussion which is specifically on the online medium. We fulfilled the definition of a podcast in the first milestone of the project when we created a short oral story. I discussed the creation and fall of Pepe the frog. When we got deeper into the project, we learnt about what we were going to create our own podcast and trailer by using a podcast planner. The podcast I made is called JudoCast: Deep Dive, a podcast in which I take a deep dive into my favourite pop culture things.
So now I want to end this post by discussing the competencies we had to show for this milestone. Which ironically is the same as the last one!

Creative Communicator

How might I use technology to create and communicate?

I used technology to communicate and create by creating and honing down a good podcast trailer by communicating and learning what makes a podcast and a trailer good.

welp, that’s all I have to say about this project. Cya!



Identity, a Jude D. post

Hey yall, Jude here. Recently I’ve gone back to school and started a new project on identity. One of the things I’ve been thinking throughout it, is what is identity?  To show my perspective on it, I want to show you want I think it is, and what it isn’t. In the image below I wrote down a definition of identity I think is true and a list of antonyms for Meriam Webster’s dictionary to show what I think isn’t.

Now I want to dive into my definition of identity and to do that I am going to show a bio poem I wrote in class.

Jude Quiet, Funny, Tired, Irresponsible

Son of Joel and Danielle

Loves to skate, Monster Energy and Wes Anderson

Who is sometimes lonely and anxious

Who dropped into a halfpipe

Hopes to become a film director

A resident of East Van


If there is one big thing which affects your identity I would say that it is how you express yourself and how you will be remembered. The list of antonyms in the picture I think helps with this point as it refers to the opposite of identity as conformity and conventionality which if you don’t have an identity for yourself and you can’t express as yourself then you will be remembered as someone that is conventional with nothing interesting or special.

I think another big thing is your worldview and your worldview. Your worldview can start by being similar to the worldview of your background. If you grow up in the city your worldview on the culture of farming is going to be completely different then someone who lives in more of a country or small-town setting, and your worldview on things like those can be apart of your identity.

To finish this blog post, I want to show you my identity with this double-exposed GIF of me and some big parts of my identity.


Aight y’all, see you guys in the next blog post.

tPols 2020

In this post, I am going to reflect on this year and argue why I should advance to Grade 10.


In my mPols I asked the question what is my learning goal by the end of the year, and how do I intend on achieving it? and I answered it with: My learning goal is to improve my productivity I will achieve this by using support from friends and family and tools to limit the time I waste. 

I felt that this year with my work ethic and the introduction of Online learning my work ethic really snowballed out of control and I felt that while I had some instances of good work, I missed a lot of opportunities to evolve my work ethic, and in Grade 10 I really want to work as hard as I can. Next year I want to take responsibility for myself and grow out of my old habits. I want to improve my productivity by using the tactics I discussed in my mPols, using Tools to make me more proficient, Ask questions (beforehand) and Doing Quality work. I think actually, and fully trying to develop the 7 habits will really help, this year I haven’t really implemented them.

Now I want to highlight the work that has showcased my growth and shown evidence of revision, teamwork, responsibility, and production.

I think that my “Witness to History” project really showed the evolution of my Maker work and how I can produce quality work, as an example I will use my Run! video, I think that the quality of that video was good but I didn’t develop my video creating skills yet and I think that creating videos, from Alberta to this final witness to history video was really something that I could show my evolution.

I think that Destination Imagination 2020 has shown evidence of teamwork. I think that working over zoom has really strengthened my teamwork and showing my work when I am working in bigger groups which have been something which has really limited my potential in bigger group projects.

I would say that Lets Get Riel is a great example of the evidence of my responsibility as I was responsible for my side of the project and  I think that being responsible in a two-person group really made me have a full grip on my side of the project. I think that also

I would say that with scimatics I haven’t improved a lot but that is something that I really want to work on in grade 10, and I think that I can do that by doubling down and focusing on my work while using the tactics I said in the beginning.

So, do I think that I should advanced to grade 10? Yes. I will need to put in all my effort and use the tactics I talked about and continue developing the skills i talked about in the presentation.

The Great War!

Well, this school year of 2019/2020 is about to end and I want to talk about the last humanities project, The Great War!

What was the project about?

In this project, we created a collaborative digital book about different aspects of WW1.  I decided to write about the film industry during WW1 and how it helped create HollyWood. We also read different books about WW1 and my group read War Horse. During this novel study, I created a variety of material to show my knowledge of the book, I want to show off my favourite one. My essay on family and warhorse. For the novel study part of this project, I worked with Anders, Julia and Alex.


Competencies I’ve learned


I would say that I’ve developed this skill by learning about my topic for the WW1 book and analyzing  War Horse.


A witness to gym history

Hey, guys welcome back to my blog, today I am going to talk about my maker 9 project which I completed at home, Witness to History.

What’s the project about?

For this project, we had to create a video essay that told a story in these times of social distancing and COVID-19. I decided to talk about how the Burnaby CrossFit community was affected.

Answering the driving question.

How can we, as video storytellers, tell stories of our community during this period of physical distancing? We can tell stories during this period of social distancing, by learning people’s stories and creating an overarching story.  We can learn these stories through lots of things, zoom interviews, Instagram posts, and even signs. We combine these stories to use techniques such as structuring multiple stories combine, keeping a pace that keeps the viewer interested, and using the medium to tell a message.

Stepping stones that helped create a vision of my project

I would say that firstly the storyboard helped my video essay really come to life, and plan out what I was going to do. We had done storyboards before with different projects planning out movies and videos, but with how we were using the content this time really helped formulate a plan.

I would secondly say that the interview I did with my close friend, and gym owner Daniel English really showed how gyms were affected.I had done interviews before but with how the situation is currently is, it was a unique perspective.

Anyways thanks for reading this post!


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