In the power vested in me, I pronounce you…. A photographer!!

We switched around a lot when it came to teams but one of the main people I worked with is my friend Cameron!

This project is title “Herzog” after the great German photographer Fred Herzog, one of the first famous photographer to use colour film in the 1950’s. Herzog was born in a gorgeous city,  Stuttgart, Germany, he was known for his beautiful street photography. If your haven’t already guessed what this project was about, it was photography! I thrived in the project, I love photography!

The very first thing we did was go on a walk around the school and take a bunch of photos.

Here are all of the photos I took:

I think I took some really nice photos 😀


Skill #1: (we are using skills instead of milestones) Composing Composition

First we took a photo of “something familiar” in other words, something we use in our every day life, and for me, I decided to use my water bottle (I drink a lot of water)!

This is my favourite one:

Second, we took a photo walk! We took a walk with our familiar object on a walk around the school and did our best to include the rule of thirds, along with good backgrounds/foregrounds. Once we finished that, we took the photos and edited them too look their best!

This is the one I liked the most:

(It’s hidden!!)

Next up, we created a “personified picture”, where we just took a photo from our photo walk and drew on it until it resembled us in some way

This is what mine looks like:

And then of course.. we had to reflect! (My least favourite part of every project!!)


Skill #2: Adjusting Angles

So first we had to shoot a Self-Portrait! So in photos, we had the option to use either Live Photo or Timer, I chose Timer, the timer gives you 3-10 seconds to prepare and then when it goes off, a burst of 10 photos goes off! In my case, I decided to run and jump! I tried to catch myself mid air haha. I went through the 10 photos and picked the one I liked most, the we had to add on a filter to make it look better.

The one I like the most was…. This!



Next we were asked to make a bunch of photos of with certain angles, along with a partner. My partner was Makai! The three angles that we did was birds eye view, worms eye view, and a long shot! After we finished that, we went ahead and edited them.

Here’s what the photos that Makai took of me look like:

long shot:

Birds eye view:

worms eye view:

Next up, with our same partners we were asked to make a silhouette! This was cool. My idea was— get this— was to get in front of the projector and edit it on from there (I’m very proud of myself)!! There was like 5 people lignin up behind us trying to do the same thing (5 might be an overstatement but there was a few people doing what we were doing, like I said, I’m very proud of myself)! Most of us ended up looking like a monkey with the masks an all haha.

This is what the the silhouette of Makai looks like:

Lastly we recreated a “photo from the past” with something that was a bit more relevant to our life right now.

This is what mine looks like:

younger me:

Me now:


Skill #3: Manufacturing Mood

So first, we had to take a landscape photo! It’s as simple as that, not much to explain haha. I might have deleted the photo so I don’t have anything to show TwT

Next, we went and took a panorama, the people in mine are the beautiful Caden and Cameron!

This is what my pano looks like!

Kinda funky lookin’ right?

Next we went out on another nature walk and took a pano, and a landscape, using the rule of thirds and everything else we have learned so far.

this is what mine looks like:



Rule of thirds:

Lastly, we had to take a photo that “told a story” with a randomly generated mood, I got the mood “zany”, I had no idea that that emotion even existed before this or existed in general! In case you don’t know, it means “whacky”, “funky”, or “weird”. And I have nothing to show for this one too, because I forgot to do it lol


Skill #4: Creating Collages

Firstly we were asked to “Pictorialize my name” which basically means we were all sent around the school and took photos of the any letters that are in you name, I would find them on posters mostly! Next we had too make a collage in keynote using the letters we found around the school to write our name!

Here’s what mine looks like! I really like it:

Secondly we had to create a Personalized Collage. For this, we first brainstormed a bunch of things that we liked, and tried to include as many of those things in a collage that represents us using photos we’ve taken (I used the silhouette). Then we went into keynote and made it!

Here’s what I came up with!:

And then to reflect on this skill, we had to post an “about me” blog post with the personal on here!


Skill #5: Molding Movement

This project was pretty much just about GIFs!

So first, we “morphed a photo” using keynote. Morphing is just a really easy way to animate. It’s when one frame morphs into the next. This was fun! I didn’t know that keynote had transitions!

I’m not sure it’s going to work, but here it is anyway:

And that would conclude Constructing Creative Communication! Thanks for tapping in, but I’m going to tap out! Until next time 🙂


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