The Desire For A New Place. A Passion For More

Maritime exploration, something that brought us so much. Everything from horses to syphilus. But once we’d learned about everyone important and all the stuff they brought to and from, of course we were assigned a mother project to display at the blue sky exhibition. Fun. But it actually was a pretty fun, we had to create a mock exhibit on the topic of the reasons why navigators explored. I enjoyed this project cause I really had to focus on the layout, make sure it looked presentable and intrigued people. We came up with the three main reasons we thought they did, luxury, new trade routes and spread of religion. Here’s what it turned out like.

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These were all on individual boards which were 4’x6′. The process sucked to get them up on those since we had to print sections of the pages individually since wake couldn’t print one huge page like that. Then we had to lay them all out and arrange them like a massive puzzle, THEN we had to pin every single piece onto the boards. It took a long time but it turned out awesome.

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