An average post about a press release

Hello and welcome to my second post about our “Think You Can Do Better?” Project. This post is going to focus on our parties press release and answer some important questions about our classes parties. Our party is called the Hippopotamus Party of Canada my parties members were Jordan, Liam, and Jonathan. We chose this name because of our party’s representative, Haben the hippopotamus from the Greater Vancouver Zoo. One of our parties focuses is to pay off our national debt to free our future generations and increase our countries wiggle room during a large scale event such as a pandemic. Here is an article about our neighbours, America’s national debt.

We insist to employ our people’s social, poltical and environmental ideologies in order to develop society and its future. We are a group of people who best understand Canada’s economic issues. We understand that Canada's economy has been falling off ever since the 2015 election. Our Values: Justice – We push for a free future in which those who should be punished, be punished and those who should be rewarded, be rewarded. Prosperity – We want to have a successful economy as we believe any working nation is fundamentally driven by a good economy. Integrity – We will follow through with our promises and do our best to be up front with all of our plans. We support a market with low restrictions on the international trade environment. We will cut ties with British Monarchy and become a democratic republic. We stand for the reinforcement of our economy and plan to push back against the COVID crisis through lowering taxes and creation of safe job oppurtunties through our new systems. We plan to implement flat tax (same percentage for everyone) for persons making a gross income of more than $25,000 a year. We plan to support lower cost homes with new 3d printed homes/different technologies. We promise to flatten taxes for our citizens to support the growth of our citizens wealth. We want to fix our laws in order prevent slow court cases. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Priorities: Housing affordability Working with businesses and introducing new technologies Minimizing and paying off national debt

Why should you choose us?

Unlike others, We promise to focus on eradicting national debt in order to create a free future for nations. The Hippopotamus Party of Canada truly strives for the betterment of our economy as we believe, currently, Candian standard of living will improve. Besides national debt, our next main priorty will be fixing the housing crisis which has not been achieved by any other party and difference between us and them, is that we will use our resources to devolp new technolgies to decrease the pricing of housing. Here is a list containing some technologies that can help build the housing market.

How does this relate to the federal election?

This is relevant to the recent federal election because we believe that there are current issues that the country is facing, but the current parties have overlooked entirely, more specifically our current national deficit of almost 1.2 trillion dollars. You can find the current number here. We are also concerned about our current housing market. The prices are rising all over Canada, and this issue is ever present in Vancouver. You can read more about this issue here. These issues have been largely ignored by most parties and not heavily addressed by any. This is why we believe, as citizens of this country, that these are the more important issues at the moment, requiring much more attention.

Thank you for coming and reading about our political party, and I hope this has raised some more awareness to these important issues.