Small Things

(I think I fell asleep when I was supposed to be writing this. Or at least I was going to. Then I came up with this brilliant sentence). For this project we learned about atoms and coding. The goal was to creat a game on scratch that represented the kinetic molecular theory and the atomic theory. The kmt is the theory that atoms are in constant motion. The atomic theory is that everything is made up of atoms, and atoms are made up of smaller particles. Click this link to see my game. But before we could make a game we needed to learn more about atoms and something called the coordinate plane. One of the first things we learned about atoms was the evolution of there models.

After that we learned about the coordinate plane. The coordinate plane is where things are located on the y/x axes. Here’s an example of it.

Here are some of the questions I had at the start of the project and some answers.


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