👋 Hey Everyone!

Welcome back to my blog! Today I’ll be speaking about what I did for Take your Grade 9 to work day!

I spent the day with my Dad! He works for Metro Vancouver as a Research Analyst. In the morning we went to two Parks, including Pacific Spirit Regional Park, and Iona Beach Regional Park. I talked to a lot of people, like Peter who’s a Foreman for Metro.

After we visited the two parks, we then headed to Annacis Island for the rest of the day. We started by eating lunch, we were provided with pizza. Then we did a quick sticky note activity where we wrote down one thing we learned about our parents today, a question about metro, and a question for the Chief Administrative Officer of Metro who was there as well.

After that we watched a quick keynote presentation about how Metro is a big part of Vancouver! Then Metro’s CAO talked for a while about how he got to his position and what we could expect for the future jobs of Metro Vancouver. I wanted to interview him but he’s a busy man and had to leave after. Then I talked to some other parents about what they do at Metro. After that we split off into groups and learned more about some of the other aspects of Metro Vancouver.

If you wanna learn more and see who I interviewed feel free to check out the video below! Thanks for reading!