Hello blog readers, 

This weeks Edublogs challenge is to show the simulates that we all share and the interesting differences. We had four options on how to show our similarities and differences. I chose music.  I love music and I think it’s a great way to show someone what type of person you are. It’s also a great conversation starter. I have two preferred genres of music, dance/electronic and alternative. These two styles of music are my personal favourite but leave a comment and tell me what yours is. 

I love a lot of music but currently I have really been enjoying these songs⬇️

Whenever I start listening to an artist they start playing a big role in my life. It’s hard to explain but music just has a way of speaking to you. When u find the right artists it makes everything better. Here is my Spotify playlist for November 2018. Let me know if you use Spotify, Apple Music, or other. Thanks for reading.