Hello blog readers,

We started our new unit this week. This unit is called Cray Cray Yay Yay, and it’s about the crazy people in the world. The driving question for this unit is, Why does it take a “crazy” person to change the world?

On the first day we were all confused when ms.maxwell told us to write on sticky notes things that make a person crazy, but after that she explained what this unit is about. After that we watched a Apple commercial. Apple was advertising their “think different” campaign. It was a shout-out to the crazy ones.

The think different video

At the end of that class we got told we are doing a presentation on someone from the think different campaign. The presentation was in PechaKucha style. That means the presentation is only images, 20 seconds per slide, 9 slides, 3 minutes maximum. We were highly encouraged to use presenter notes and the presentation must follow a story spine. 

I picked Albert Einstein because he is definitely an influential person that has done a lot of crazy things. I knew the basics about Albert Einstein for example how he made the equation e=mc2, but I didn’t know what made him crazy. 

 My keynote 

My research

Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany. He grew up with his parents and his sister Maja Einstein. In his childhood he was very shy to speak and a poor student but he started developing a fascination for science at a very young age.


He also found a passion for music at a young age and started playing the violin at 6 years old. Before getting into science his main interest was music. He said he often thought in music and if he wasn’t a scientist he would probably be a musician. 


Albert Einstein wrote his first scientific paper at 16 years old and published his first scientific paper at 22. After that at age 23 he found employment as a technical expert at a Swiss patent office. He also met his first wife Mileva Maric while studying at the Swiss Federal institute of technology and they got married in 1903.


1905 was a great year for Einstein. He published some of the most important scientific papers. He published his theory of reality and made the equation E=MC(2). Everyone thought his theory was completely false but he was motivated to prove everyone wrong.


Mathematics and Science weren’t the only thing he was good at. He was also a very good at portraying a story with his wise words. Apparently he had a journal book that he would write messages in. In fact his writing was so good that he would write love letters to his wife.


He was also very good at making inspiring quotes. He definitely has a few well know quotes but he says his favourite two are “Imagination is more important than knowledge” and “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” 


In 1917 he got very ill with liver problems and since he was separated from his wife his cousin Elsa helped him recover. After she did this he broke up with his wife in February of 1919 and then married his cousin a few months after. Which is incest and completely crazy.


Albert Einstein has definitely done some things that are out of the normal that make people believe he was a mad man, but the things he did have definitely left a impact on the world. Without him we would be a few generations behind. Sadly Einstein died on April 18, 1955. He only lived up to 76 but he made every year count and left a impact. 


Overall Albert Einstein was definitely a mad man. He took his brains and put all his work into creating the theory of relativity and the most famous equation, E=MC(2).


Teachers thoughts

Feedback from presentation:
started with his birth – persona as a young child
-16 years old – wrote his first scientific paper
-would have liked to see a picture of his wife – did you find any?
-motivated to prove everyone wrong
-imagination is more important than knowledge
-Elsa – married his cousin – this could be seen as crazy
-made people believe he was a mad men
-1955 – Einstein died
-great picture showing he was a crazy person
-strong concluding sentence!



This project definitely was the perfect one to start off with. Even though I was shy to present in front of the class I managed to do it. I also learned so much about Albert Einston and why he was thought of as crazy. This assignment was an ease into the question why does it take a crazy person to change the world, and I believe that I may have found an anwser to that question that you will read in the essay.