Winter Exhibition: Pandora’s box

Hello, and welcome to my blog post about the PLP winter exhibition! In this project we extracted themes from the movie Avatar, which were then turned into projects that we presented to the Seycove community. Alright, lets dive in!

When we first began our project, we were tasked with watching the movie Avatar, and were told to pay close attention to the theme of the movie. This was difficult because of how long and complicated the movie is, but in the end, we all decided on our themes. 

Next, we brainstormed ways that we could incorporate our themes, and the driving question (which was what does James Cameron’s fantasy world of Avatar teach us about our own world), into a project that could be presented at our Winter Exhibition. 

The theme that I chose to portray in my project was the disrespect of the culture and beliefs of the Na’vi. My original design included a box with one of their sacred trees on top of it growing down into the inside of the box, symbolizing how important it was to the Na’vi, and how the humans just took a huge bulldozer and killed it in the movie. I found it difficult to explain my work when I was asked about it, because it didn’t clearly show what I wanted it to. But after a lot of time spent creating, and a lot of mental preparation, was finally ready to present at the exhibition.


The winter exhibition is a time when all of the learners in the PLP program get to showcase what they have learned throughout the past semester to other students, parents, and community members. We all had to bring out own supplies and decorate the rooms ourselves. It was incredibly stressful and difficult, but in the end, it was worth it for the final result. I had to do a lot of explaining, and after a full day of school it was a lot, but it was still a lot of fun to do with my friends!

After the exhibition, we had to clean the school so that classes could continue normally the next day. The next day went about as normal, which was a relief. However, on the last day of school, we got to do something really fun. It had been over a decade since the first Avatar movie was released, and the second movie was finally coming out! We all got to watch it together which was really fun, and our semester ended on a happy note! Thank you so much for reading, and have a great day!