MPOLS 2024

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

This is the pledge that we are required to state at the beginning of our presentation. It serves as an introduction to what we will be presenting during our MPOL. These conferences are specifically designed to allow us to reflect on our learning, while also providing our parents and teachers with an update on our progress. Over the past year, I’ve grown a lot as a PLP learner, but also as a person. This is a program that lets us take responsibility of our own learning, really allows us to thrive. I’ve learned a lot about myself and others, as well as gained a bunch of new skills that I can apply not just to school, but to the rest of my life. In this presentation, I will show what exactly I’ve been learning in PLP, and that I’m ready foor whatever gets thrown at me next. Lets get into it!

Throughout the course of the year, we’ve done numerous projects that have all been designed to give us new skills and opportunities to collaborate with others. A great example of this is a project called metaphor machines. This project, like many others, was a huge challenge of our group’s resources and mental capacity, and really made us use our critical thinking skills to come up with new ideas and strategies to get our machine to work. 

This project revolved around giving a new form to the idea of a revolution. We used a number of different mediums to understand our revolution, the final product being a Rube Goldberg Machine. Creating it took weeks of planning, testing, adjusting, and decorating. Our first keystone was an infographic of our revolution. Our group was assigned the Meiji Revolution from Japan, which was full of awesome battles and technological advances. It took place during the 1800s, and was focused on bettering the economy and governmental system. Preparing for the final product was difficult, as there were so many moving parts, but we spent a ton of extra time outside of school making sure that everything would work. I don’t think that I’ve never worked with a group that dedicated on a PLP project, and it showed in our final result. This gave us an opportunity to create and present an amazing machine that I’m still proud of to this day, despite the hardship and numerous trials it took to get there. 

A second influential project that we did this year was Let’s Get Riel. This was a Humanities project in which we learned all about the influential Canadian figure Louis Riel. Riel was a Métis leader, as well as a scholar and a resolute. His story is an important yet tragic example of someone being sacrificed for the greater good. 

I think that through this project we learned how history is written by the winners, and how it’s important to look at other sides of a story. This is important to understand not just in school, but also in life. He was the founder of Manitoba, and was a man who wasn’t afraid to stand up for his people. However, in the eyes of the settlers, he was seen as a dangerous rebel who needed to be taken down. 

We learned a valuable lesson from this project about how differently something or someone can be seen depending on who’s doing the person perceiving them. This lesson is applicable in other projects, as well as for other aspects of life. 

Finally, the most difficult endeavor of PLP in the past semester by far, Destination Imagination. This wasn’t a project so much as a competition. I wanted to include DI because I have learned the most by far from this than any project this semester. I was thrust into a mismatched group of people that I didn’t get to choose, and had to make it work and create a catapult, as well as a story and performance to go with it. This all had to be done according to a long list of rules with a ton of regulations. Although we managed to get through it and finish out performance with few mistakes, it really was a challenge.

This was by far the most challenging thing I had done all year due to the difficult nature of working in groups. However, I learned so much about storytelling, engineering, and learning to take responsibility for your own actions, as well as the actions of others. There was no one in a leadership role specifically, which made it very difficult, so at the end I kind of stepped up to fill that. 

We had about four months to work on this, which gave us a disadvantage to other schools who had started sooner. However, we were determined to do our best, and worked relentlessly. Our story was about a man named Dan and his dog Cuddles, who got hired to NASA even though they weren’t qualified. The final script was difficult to make, but was something that I can say I’m proud of in the end.

 To summarize, PLP is pretty difficult. It’s full of challenging group projects, tedious assignments, and new challenges. But, like I always like to say, where there’s a will, there’s a way. I went into this program with high expectations, and I feel like they’ve been exceeded. It’s now been a year and an half since I first joined PLP, but I still remember my first day. Even though there will always be new challenges to take on when it comes to high school, I feel more ready to face them now that I have experience with this program.

As I was writing this, I noticed how much I’ve improved in this post as opposed to the one I did last year. I feel like this program has allowed me to grow as a learner, but also as a person. This is important to me because I always strive to do my best, and I feel like with this PLP, I can do that now, and in the future.

Thank you for reading, and have a great day!


The Riel Inspiration For Manitoba

Have you ever wondered how the Province of Manitoba came to be? I sure have! In our latest project, we learned all about Louis Riel, a crucial figure in Canadian history. Riel was a leader, a resolute, and a scholar, but also a real person whose life was lost for the betterment of Canada. 

Our most recent project, titled “Let’s Get Riel,” was all about the Métis leader, Louis Riel, and how he’s been portrayed throughout history. The Métis are a group of people with mixed ancestry that still reside in Canada today. Sadly, they were not very well liked by the local indigenous or the settlers, which led to feuds that would eventually become bigger problems. The relationship between the Métis and the settlers has been complex and difficult due to the lack of respect that the colonizers had for the balance that existed before they started to get too greedy. This seems to be a similar issue that the indigenous people had with the Métis, as they saw them as colonizers trying to take their land and resources. 

The goal of this project was to deepen our understanding of Canadian history, as well as improve our writing skills. We did this by examining statues and texts of Riel that have been created throughout history. You can read about these examples in my Multi Paragraph Response, which is all about Riel’s portrayals. This final project was all about using different mediums and sources to explain our thoughts, and the thoughts of others. I am proud to say that I learned so much about my own writing, as well as as how others write and think. 

I learned a lot from this project, even if it was a bit shorter than our previous ones. While I believe that taking a typical standpoint on Canadian history is important to understanding it, taking new perspectives can often lead to a more sophisticated end result. This is a skill that I know I can apply to other projects and writing in the future, which has made this project a valuable stepping stone for me. If you want to read my response to the driving question, the Multi Paragraph Response, you can click the accordion below. To view the Heritage Minute mentioned in my response, click the link below. Thank you for reading, and have a great day!

      Portrayals of Louis Riel throughout history reflect varying perspectives on his controversial actions and his impact on Canadian history. For example, the three statues of him that have been erected all show contrasting sides of the Métis Leader. These statues were all created in different times, and all show snippets of Canada’s perception of him. Considering his controversial actions and his standing as a religious leader, he was revered by his people, but widely hated throughout the rest of Canada. The Métis had difficult relations with the local Indigenous populations as well, which didn’t give them many allies. This is also visible in the Louis Riel Heritage Minute by Historica Canada. This text portrays Riel as a respected and inspiring individual, yet his thoughts were getting drowned out by the government officials sentencing him and telling him why his actions were wrong. This example, like the statues, show how different sources convey Riel differently.

        Louis Riel has three statues dedicated to him, all painting him in a different light. For example, in 1968, John Nugent created the first statue, which shows him reaching for the sky in a heroic way. Riel was a religious leader, and I believe that this shows his faithful and humble side. While being fairly respectful, this sculpture doesn’t show Riel as a scholar or a political figure. Sadly, this wasn’t as important at the time, as he was still seen as a dangerous rebel, as can be seen in his next statue. Created by Marcien Lemay and Étienne Gaboury, and unveiled in 1973, this statue showed Riel as a sort of madman who needs to be restrained. This statue caused too much controversy, and was eventually taken down due to its disrespectful portrayal of Riel. At this point, the Métis were sick of people disrespecting someone so important to them, that they demanded it be replaced. Finally, in 1996, Riel’s replacement statue was unveiled, showing him for how he really was to his people: a hero, a resolute, and most importantly, a leader. This side of Riel is also prominent in the Heritage Minute, created in 1991. It’s likely that his latest statue drew inspiration from the documentary and other historical texts to show this version of Riel.

       Riel himself was involved in a number of wars and disputes which eventually led to the rebels killing a man named Thomas Scott by firing squad. Riel was put on trial and executed for leading the assault, and in his final moments, he reflected on his life, the decisions that he made, and what he wanted for his people going forward. People saw Riel differently throughout history, which is true of any important figure, although he seemed to get the short end of the stick with this, considering how he was treated. He was a faithful man who loved his people and was willing to fight for them, which led to his downfall. To summarize, Louis Riel faced all kinds of backlash and praise for his actions and words, which led people to view him differently throughout history.

Metaphor Machines

Have you ever braved the battlefield? Fought for the future and your rights, and to forever change the nation you live in? In our latest project, we were immersed in the concept and realities of revolutions, and how the actions that were taken in the past still affect us today. 

We were first introduced to the concept of revolutions by our first project, which was based around the book “Animal Farm” by George Orwell. We read this book as a class, and had multiple discussions about the author’s intent and the hidden meaning behind the events in the book. The story itself is actually a metaphor for the Russian revolution, and revolves around a farm on which the animals stage a rebellion and and take new leadership. Unfortunately, the pigs begin to abuse their power, and eventually lead the farm to downfall. This represents how after a revolution, affairs often return to the way they were before, with slight changes. 

While reading the book “Animal Farm”, we were asked to apply a theory called the “Crane Brinton” theory, which breaks a revolution into four stages: Incubation, Moderate, Crisis, and Recovery. You can find a detailed list explanation of what these stages mean on my infographic. The importance of learning this extended not just through this project, but also to examining any historical event. The format that we used for the book chats really allowed us to connect animal farm to all of our revolutions. 

After the book chats, we began our work on our infographics. I was assigned the Meiji revolution, which took place in Japan in 1868. In this project, we took our knowledge of the Crane Brinton theory and applied it to our revolution, while also incorporating some fun facts and bits about the culture of Japan! We became experts on our revolutions, and our groups started to consider how we could tell the story of our revolution at the exhibition. If you want to view my infographic, click this button:

The final project that we worked on for the exhibition was called “Metaphor Machines,” and we were tasked with creating Rube Goldberg machines which represented a revolution. This was a daunting challenge, as we had to bring most of the materials, organize our group, and make sure that it would make sense to the audience. Our final setup was very heavily inspired by Japanese culture, and it took weeks to create!

To go along with the machine, we also created a documentary that showed the process of creating our machine, as well as us explaining the meaning behind our connections. Despite the many bumps in the road, my group members made it easy! My group was Sydnee, Melissa, Alex, Bobby, Sebastian, and me (to visit their blog posts you can click their names).

Be sure to check out the documentary below. Thank you for reading, and have a great day!

This is a picture of our finished product.

Thrill Us!

What is a thriller? How are they made? Why are they so enjoyable to watch? These are all questions that we answered through our latest project, Thrill Us.

In this project, we viewed many different types of thrillers in an attempt to better understand the vision of their creators. A thriller is a film style that builds suspense and anxiety for the viewer, and often has a climactic and mysterious ending. We used this medium of film to better understand how we can bring our own creative ideas to life through videography and storytelling.

We started off by practicing our photography skills through a number of activities, and worked on creating clear storyboards. Our first assignment was to create a storyboard for the short thriller Run! We were also asked to examine the shot styles, acting, and sound construction of the film.

Next we were put into groups and told to recreate the film Run! and try to match it shot for shot. This took a long time to do, as it was a lot of hands on work. If you want to learn all about this, you can visit my blog post on the subject:

Run: A remake

We spent the first portion of the project learning how to create a film, and our final task was just that! We got to pick a group to work with to write, direct, and act in our own short thrillers! My group’s film was called “the basketball,” and was a thriller with very little dialogue. It was meant to leave the viewer a little confused and disoriented while still being enjoyable. I created the storyboard, and did a large amount of editing on the final video. There was a lot of trial and error, and I learned a lot about using editing software, as well as working together to create something amazing! Here’s a link to my video:

The Contract, and Clock, and the Crucible. These are the three main factors that contribute to a thriller. We can find examples of all of these in the thriller Black Hole. The premise of this film was that human greed is an infinite black hole, and he practically signed a contract when he started using the power of the black hole. The more used it, the more greedy he became, and eventually it was his demise. The Clock can be seen in his impending doom, and as he keeps using it’s power for bigger things, it creates a ticking time-bomb for a climax in the viewer’s mind. The Crucible is apparent in the confined space that the main character is in, and how he ends up trapping himself in the safe. The crucible means a challenge or difficulty that the main character has to get out of, and it’s normally a result of their previous actions.

The film was meant to show what happens when a human gets too greedy. This is made very obvious when the man starts to take money out of the safe, and it sucks him in. Thrillers are meant to insight fear into everyday objects and settings, which makes a printer paper perfect for this concept. The film did a great job of showcasing this idea, but also making the viewer feel like they were really in the office with the man, alone. If I had created this film, I would have included more wide shots to show how truly alone the main character was, and include louder music to truly build up to the climax. I also would have given a bit more context to the character of the black hole. Altogether, there isn’t a lot that would change about this film, other than a few minor details. The production quality was amazing, and truly transported the viewer to another world.

Loon Lake Reflection

I wasn’t sure what to expect as I stepped out of the car onto the Loon Lake grounds… I didn’t know what I’d learn, who I’d meet, or that I’d leave a completely different person than I was before. 

I’m not completely sure how to describe the trip. I don’t remember everything, but I can recall the eye opening moments that impacted me and my class. Let me begin by explaining the purpose of our retreat. It was meant to give us a new perspective on the people around us, as well as ourselves. We were meant to gain leadership skills and bond as a class, and understand that our actions have impacts. We know that these are all important skills to have within school, but we were also asked to think about how we can apply these skills to our everyday lives. 

The one directing our activities was a man named Jono, who had years of experience teaching those of all ages to have a different perspective on many aspects of life. Jono himself was a very interesting guy with a lot of stories. Even though some of the activities may have made me very uncomfortable, Jono liked to say “get comfortable with the uncomfortable,” which is a controversial but important notion. After all, our trip was all about growth, which sometimes takes a leap of faith to accomplish. 

I believe that the activity that I grew the most with was the trust fall. We had been practicing trusting our classmates for the entire retreat, and it was finally time to put this trust to the test. For this activity, we had to climb on top of a chair that was on top of a table, close our eyes, and fall.

 I’ll admit that I even surprised myself when I confidently climbed up onto the chair. In that moment, I pushed my fear aside, which sparked something new inside me. However, by the time I was on top of the chair, I was genuinely shaking with fear. I just closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and fell. In the moment before my classmates caught me, I felt like I was never going to stop falling, and I screamed “oh my god!” I let my form go and hit someone into the face (sorry Neko), and felt terrible immediately after. She was okay (thank goodness), and I had gained a new experience. In the end, the ordeal was a good thing?

We did a lot of different exercises to build trust, and although I’m not going to to go super into depth about all of them, I will give a brief explanation of the activities we did. There was a rock climbing wall, on which we all cheered each other on. We did a low ropes course on which we had to work as a team to solve challenges, and we all bonded from it. The high ropes course was fun, and the milk crate stacking challenge took strategy and teamwork to achieve. The orienteering challenge took brainpower and stamina, and my teammates made it really fun. The fort building took teamwork and logic, as well as determination. Finally, all of Johno’s sessions took mental preparation and strength to accomplish. I believe that all of these activities have shaped me and my classmates for the better. 

In the end, this trip was a lot of fun because I got to experience it with my friends. The teachers and staff were very supportive, as well as all of our classmates. We got to wrap up our trip with an awesome dance party, where we could let all of our troubles go. I also feel like I have to include this, or the PLP teachers will be mad: The food was amazing. 

As I got back into the car and headed home, I reflected on my Loon Lake experience, and just how much I’d learned about my classmates and myself. Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful day!

Take your kid to work day: Seaspan edition

Have you ever wondered what adults do all day? I know I have! That’s why we have take your kid to work day!

During this day, I visited Seaspan, where my Aunt, Carmen, works. I learned all about the ships that they are currently building at seaspan, what goes into building a ship, and how all 2,000 workers have an important role to fulfill within the company. 

I think that this might be a potential career opportunity for me one day, as the experience was a lot of fun! You can learn all about what we did in my video below! Thanks for reading, and have a great day!

Run: A remake

Have you ever been walking through the woods alone, and you think you hear something? You turn back, but see nothing. What do you do? Stay on the path? Look for another runner? Try to find shelter in the woods?

In our latest project, we created a remake of a short horror film called Run! In it, we had to recreate the original as close as we could, with very limited time to plan and resources. This is the original video, created by @cookieimagination:

We did our best to replicate this film in our first remake, which we found was too short compared to the original, and we were missing quite a few shots.

The quality of our first remake was rather lacking, but we took our mistakes and made our final edit to be as good as it could be.

I learned a lot from this project, as we hadn’t had a lot of experience with creating films, so the directing and acting skills that me and my group showed was impressive. We learned a lot about camera angles, as well as the technicalities of creating great film. This served as a useful introduction, and I think that the skills that I learned can be applied in many different projects. Thank you for reading, and have a great day!

Braving The Rockies

Have you ever braved the steep slopes of the Rockies? Seen the view from the biggest suspension bridge in Canada? Spent a week with 23 other grade nines? I have. And let me tell you, it was something special. 

The goal of our Alberta trip was to find an answer to the driving question, “how has the geography of the west shaped who we are?” Our big project for this trip was all about how we’ve changed the geography of the west, but also how it’s changed us. 

We started off our project by creating a thesis. Mine was “the Rockies are defined by its beautiful sights, and is a common tourist attraction because of its uniqueness.” I also wanted to add that after spending time in Alberta and observing the state of tourism, I realized that tourism has really changed over time, which relates directly to the driving question. The geography of the west has forever changed tourism, and tourism has forever changed the west. 

We went to many different significant places on our trip, but I’m  going to focus on the three that I think relate the best to this project. The rest of the places we went have dedicated sections in my book, which is linked below. This was the final product for both humanities and maker, and was a ton of fun to create!

Our project was all about geography, so what better to focus on than the Canadian Pacific Railway! Our trip was largely based around the construction of the railway, and how it affected the geography of the Rockies, as well as all of the west. We visited craigaliche, which is where the last spike was driven, as well as the Canadian pacific railway museum, where we learned all about how the railway made the Rockies a huge tourist attraction. This really helped me explain my thesis better. We learned so much about how terribly the workers were treated, and how much it affected the people who already lived on the land. 

Another staple of the Rocky Mountains is the Lake Louise. People come from all over the world to see the famous lake, and it even has its own chateau for people to stay at while they take in the view. This was a very important stop in our trip, as the geography of the surrounding area was literally changed so that humans could have a more pleasant experience. People used to just come to see the lake, but after the CPR was put in, it became a whole destination. 

The last important feature of the Rocky Mountains is, of course, the mountains! We hiked a ton of mountains throughout our trip, but the most notable is likely sulphur mountain. This mountain has a three hundred and sixty degree view of the other mountains, and is absolutely breathtaking. Hiking to the top was a struggle, but it was fun to do with my friends.

Another beautiful view was Parker ridge, which had an amazing view of the Columbia Ice-field, and we even got to see some mountain goats! We created the trail up Parker ridge just so we could see the amazing view, which is an amazing example of how we change the geography of the areas around us to better suit us, which will forever change it for the next generation. 

This whole project was a unique opportunity to not only visit the Rockies, but reflect on how we have affected the geography of the land around us, and how it continues to affect us. What we do now will affect all of the generations to come, which is something that we sometimes forget. If someone was to do this project one hundred years in the future, how would our actions affect them? 

This trip taught me a lot, but it was also a lot of fun! It’s really a unique experience to get to get to go on a big trip with a ton of my friends! Sometimes, it could be a lot, but getting through the tough times made the good times more rewarding! Thank you so much for reading!

Here is a link to my book, in which you can learn all about the places we went on our trip!


This is a button that goes to my maker post, in which I talk all about the videos that we made on our trip!

If you want to view my video directly, see these links!

Silent video:

Investigative video:

Tiktok video:

What inspires me video:

Using The Moving Image To Tell A Story.

Hello, and welcome back to another blog post! In our latest project, which was called “Using The Moving Image To Tell A Story,” we examined how we can use the moving image to tell a story. This project was connected to our Rocky Mountain field study, and the assignment for this project was multiple videos that related not just to our driving question in maker, but also our humanities project. Our project in humanities was about how the geography of the west has shaped us, and in it we learned quite a bit about the geography the Rockies. 

The first video that we created was the investigative video. This was easily the one that was most related to the driving question, as our task was to find people to interview, and ask them questions directly related to our thesis. My thesis was “the Rockies is defined by it’s beautiful sights, and is a common tourist attraction because of it’s uniqueness.” It was intended to centre around tourism, and how it”s changed over time. In my book, you can see me asking questions about where people are from, which is me trying to understand what the state of tourism in the west looks like right now. I learned a lot from this video when it came to confidence in taking to strangers, as well as explaining what I’d learned from a project. This was definitely the most difficult video to create, because not everyone was willing to cooperate, but I learned that the public is a lot nicer than they’re given credit for. 

The second video that we worked on was the silent video. This was incredibly fun, but it wasn’t super easy. We had limited time to write the script for our video, and we had multiple disagreements on what to include. However, I learned a lot about group work and cooperation through this project, and we ended up with a funny story about betrayal and a pencil. I would love to do something like this again!

The third video that we made was the TikTok video. This was meant to be a fun break from the workload that we received on the trip, and it was definitely the most fun to edit! I learned a lot about video editing from this video, as well as that we can always put our own spin on PLP projects! Me and Kennedy decided to do a “PLP instagram versus reality” video, in which we showed what the trip looked like on instagram, versus the chaos that was reality. 

Our final video we actually started after we got back from the trip, which gave us the most time to film and edit it. This was the “at home video challenge,” and it was all about what inspires us! My video was largely about how life isn’t always perfect, but it’s the good things that keep us going! I talked a lot about how sports always keeps me motivated, and my family and school always inspire me to be a better person. This video took a long time to edit, because I wanted it to really reflect who I am. I learned a lot about myself through this video, as well as realizing who I want to become. I feel like this was a perfect way to wrap up our project!

Thank you so much for reading! Here is a link to my book, which has all of my videos in it, as well as further explanations of the videos!

If you want to view my video directly, see these links!

Silent video:

Investigative video:

Tiktok video:

What inspires me video:

Here is a link to my Rocky Mountain High post, which goes more in depth about the Alberta trip, as well as the rest of my book. Have a great day!



Medium is the Message: Reflection

Hello, and welcome back to another blog post! In our latest project, we looked at the way that media affects our lives and worldviews, daily. For the sake of simplicity, I have decided to divide this blog post into two parts. The first part will be about the project itself, and the second part will be about the spring exhibition. 

Our first keystone on this project was the media survey, and was an assignment that we filled out with the help of a family member. The survey was designed to make us think about how we interpreted media, and how it affects us without even realizing it. I think that this was a really good way to start off the project, as it was a good thinking exercise. I thought that it was an insightful transition into our next keystone. 

The second keystone was called the persuasion chart, and was a chart that we had to fill out in which we took multiple different types of advertisements and decided what their target audience was, what appeals were used in the creation of the ads, and whether they used pathos, ethos, or logos to interest the viewer.  

The final keystone was probably the biggest project of the year, as it involved not just the project itself, but also the Oregon Coast Field Study, and the spring exhibition. For your sake, I’m going to start off with the project, and then talk about the other two related events. To read my reflection on the field study, click here.

Our third keystone was centred around advertising, and our final task was to create advertisements for businesses on the Oregon Coast. We started off by doing some research on our businesses, and finding their websites. Then we started brainstorming questions that we wanted to ask our businesses.  

When we got the the museum, however, the museum staff decided not to interview us because they would rather have gone on their lunch break than take five minutes out of their day to interview us. This meant that we had to do extra research to make up for this, which made it more difficult for us to create our ads. However, we persevered, and I have to say, I was pretty proud of our finished products!

We all were rushing to finish our ads before the exhibition, but we were all able to do it in time! When we were planning for the exhibition, we had to establish roles that we would take. I was given the role of DRI, which stands for “directly responsible individual” and is the person who is responsible for most of the organization, and if something goes wrong. It was incredibly stressful for me, but I pulled through, and we ended up with a pretty good presentation at the exhibition! 

The exhibition itself was kind of crazy, as it was a struggle to find the right tables and all of the resources that were around the school that we had to use. In the end, we managed to get everything together, and set up for exhibition in time! This is us at the exhibition! I thought that I should also add that we got chipotle burritos as dinner before the exhibition, which put everyone in a good mood to present our projects to the community! Thank you for reading!

Here is a slideshow of my ad drafts!