Small but mighty: reflection

Hello, and welcome back to another blog post! In our latest project, we got to take a deep dive into the world of microorganisms. We learned about many of the different cells that are in our bodies, the body’s ways to ward off invaders, and the importance of vaccines.

In our first keystone, we went around the school and took a sample of a surface that we believed would have a lot of bacteria. We then placed it in a Petri dish to grow. The point of the experiment was to see just how dirty the school really is, and how quickly bacteria grows.

In the second portion of the project, we looked at the different cells that inhabit our body and keep us safe. We got to make little character cards of all of the cells we learned about, and give them personalities. This one was my favourite of the keystones, as they were easy to make our own. We learned a lot about the innate immune system through this project, in a way that was really interesting.

In the third keystone, we examined the different types of vaccines and how they are made. We got to look at the different types of vaccines, and what exactly they do to help boost your immune system. We made posters with some of the myths that are common when we talk about vaccines. Some of these myths are that vaccines have trackers in them so that the government can keep tabs on you, that vaccines can change your DNA, or that vaccines such as the one for Covid-19 was too rushed so it’s totally ineffective. We looked at these myths and showed that these are just that: myths.

To reflect on the project as a whole, I would say that it was a lot of fun, and I learned a lot of amazing things about the human body. Thank you for reading, and have a great day!

There are a lot of fears and myths when it comes to vaccines, which is a problem with our modern society. Getting sick is something that most people try to avoid, and vaccines are one of the best ways to do that. Some common fears that surround vaccines are that the government is putting microchips into our trackers, or that the COVID-19 vaccine was too rushed, or that vaccines can alter DNA. People who believe things like this have earned a name: antivaxers. Many people are biased against vaccines because of all of the lies that are spread in many ways to the gullible creature that is the human. In short, vaccines were created to help humanity with one of our biggest issues, getting sick, and is not some plot by the government to track or harm us.