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PLP 9 had no Wifi for a Week?!?!?!?!

I love pancakes. What goes with pancakes? Maple syrup. What has maple in the name? Maple Ridge, and that’s where I was last week. We had an extra trip this year for PLP. It was different from the Alberta trip… Continue Reading →

Don’t Trust Atoms, They Make Up Everything!

Tornados, sushi, typewriter, and telescope. What do all these things have in common? ATOMS! Our most recent project in Science was all about the Periodic Table, and different bonds between atoms. This was the most enjoyable project I have had… Continue Reading →

An Office

We all love the show ‘The Office’ right? All Grade 9s have Bring Your Kid to Work Day. If you don’t know what it is, it’s where you go with a parent or friend to their workplace and shadow them…. Continue Reading →

Humanities in Alberta

Has a trip even felt like it lasted forever, but when it ended you would 100% do it again. That’s what Alberta felt like for me, and it was my grade 9 field study. Once again like Oregon we had… Continue Reading →

Maker in Alberta

Did you know water is blue. Yeah, that was made very clear in Alberta. For grade 9 my class trip was to Alberta, and it was amazing. Like Oregon we had a book to create. The book included parts of… Continue Reading →

tPol 2023

TPols are our presentation of learning at the end of the year. I will be talking about everything that I have improved on or need to improve at. Unlike mPols, tPols are everything in the whole year not just a… Continue Reading →


How does advertising persuade, sell, and influence society? That might seem like a weird question, and it is if you don’t know what to look at. This was our driving question for our final project of PLP 8 on advertising…. Continue Reading →

Spring Exhibition 2023

This marks the end of projects for PLP until next year for me. Of course I still have tPOL, but I’m not there yet. Spring Exhibition is what the big finish is. During Spring Exhibition we show our work we… Continue Reading →

What Happened In Oregon?

The quick answer would be “a lot”, but I think you deserve a bit more info about the trip. It was the first PLP Field Study for my grade, and was just as good as it was supposed to be…. Continue Reading →


Our project for Humanities this sector was all about European Colonization in Canada and America. It really focused on British and French settlers and explorers, along with the different wars. Our first Keystone was on the travel of Europeans and… Continue Reading →

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