Humanities- Storm The Barricades (pt 2) :)

Storm The Barricades- The Sequel

As you know, I made a post about the Nation X simulation a while ago, and here’s part 2:

The second half of this project was about specific revolutions that occurred in history: the Russian, French, Haitian, and American revolutions. We split into groups to create an argument supporting the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of each revolution and to try them in a mock trial. I did the effectiveness of the french revolution with Caden O, Ronan W, and Luca T. (You should look at their blogs) Originally everyone would have a part and it would be a live presentation.

Driving Question: How did revolutions bring down empires and change societies around the world?

This is one of our keystones: 

We made these graphic organizers that detail the revolution we were assigned to, and then picked one from our group to use in our court case. I did a good job on this assignment and I am proud of my work on it.

Most of the project (or at least the panicked second half, our class isn’t the greatest for staying on the timeline) was dedicated to the trial. I didn’t participate in the video but I wrote the script and filmed.

We never got a confirmation on which side won (we 53% probably would have won though)

If you want more details on the video you should probably look at Lucas blog

How did revolutions bring down empires and change societies around the world?

Heres my answer to the driving question: Revolutions Change societies and bring down empires by ushering in an era of social justice and removing unjust or weak leaders.

Thanks for stopping by, we have a lot of blogs coming up so expect seeing more soon 😀

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